Data mining news

  • How do you mine data information?

    Banks use data mining to better understand market risks.
    It is commonly applied to credit ratings and to intelligent anti-fraud systems to analyse transactions, card transactions, purchasing patterns and customer financial data..

  • How is data mining used today?

    Data mining is the analysis of news and information, traditional content analysis was conducted by means of news text manual coding, analysis the text content, then reasoning, judgment, and enter the era of big data, with the traditional artificial content analysis is not only time- consuming, and inefficient, if the .

  • Is data mining new?

    Did you know that the concept of data mining existed before computers did? The statistical beginnings of data mining were set into motion by Bayes' Theorem in 1763 and discovery of regression analysis in 1805..

  • What are current trend in data mining?

    Multimedia Data Mining
    This is one of the latest methods which is catching up because of the growing ability to capture useful data accurately.
    It involves data extraction from different kinds of multimedia sources such as audio, text, hypertext, video, images, etc..

  • What is data mining in journalism?

    Data mining is the process of sorting through large data sets to identify patterns and relationships that can help solve business problems through data analysis.
    Data mining techniques and tools enable enterprises to predict future trends and make more-informed business decisions..

  • What is data mining in today's world?

    Data mining is used to explore increasingly large databases and to improve market segmentation.
    By analysing the relationships between parameters such as customer age, gender, tastes, etc., it is possible to guess their behaviour in order to direct personalised loyalty campaigns..

  • Did you know that the concept of data mining existed before computers did? The statistical beginnings of data mining were set into motion by Bayes' Theorem in 1763 and discovery of regression analysis in 1805.
  • Every day, a little more of our world turns to digital solutions to handle tasks and solve problems.
    It's a big enough digital world out there's more than sufficient room for both data mining and machine learning to thrive.
    The continued dominance of Big Data means that there will always be a need for data mining.
Browse Data mining news, research and analysis from The Conversation.

Is data mining 'consumptive'?

Malamud says that where he got the articles from shouldn’t matter anyway

The data mining, he says, is non-consumptive: a technical term meaning that researchers don’t read or display large portions of the works they are analysing

“You cannot punch in a DOI [article identifier] and pull out the article,” he says


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