Data representation and boolean logic class 11 mcq

  • Is a Boolean algebra defined as a set of Mcq?

    A two value Boolean algebra is defined as a set of two values , which are 0 and 1..

  • What is Boolean logic class 11 in English?

    Boolean logic is a form of algebra where variables are truth values and lie between 0 and 1.
    It implies that all values are either true or false.
    There are certain logical operations in Boolean algebra, such as conjunction and disjunction.
    It is aimed at simple decision-making..

  • What is Boolean logic in computer class 11?

    Boolean logic is a form of algebra where variables are truth values and lie between 0 and 1.
    It implies that all values are either true or false.
    There are certain logical operations in Boolean algebra, such as conjunction and disjunction.
    It is aimed at simple decision-making..

  • What is the definition of Boolean functions Mcq?

    c) An algebraic function with n degrees such that f:Xn–\x26gt;X. d) A polynomial function with k degrees such that f:X2–\x26gt;Xn.
    Explanation: A Boolean function is a special mathematical function with n degrees and where Y = {0,1} is the Boolean domain with being a non-negative integer..

  • c) An algebraic function with n degrees such that f:Xn–\x26gt;X. d) A polynomial function with k degrees such that f:X2–\x26gt;Xn.
    Explanation: A Boolean function is a special mathematical function with n degrees and where Y = {0,1} is the Boolean domain with being a non-negative integer.
  • In computing, the term Boolean means a result that can only have one of two possible values: true or false.
    Boolean logic takes two statements or expressions and applies a logical operator to generate a Boolean value that can be either true or false.
    To return the result, operators like AND, OR, NOT, etc. are used.
  • It works with variables with two different values, such as 0 (False) and 1 (True), as well as logically significant operations.
    George Boole invented the first way of manipulating symbolic logic, which later became known as Boolean Algebra.

How to learn Boolean logic in CBSE Class 11?

Practice worksheets play an important role in developing an understanding of Boolean Logic in CBSE Class 11

Students can download and save or print all the printable worksheets, assignments, and practice sheets of the above chapter in Class 11 Computer Science in Pdf format from studiestoday

How to learn data representation in CBSE Class 11?

Regular worksheet practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of Data Representation concepts

Worksheets play an important role in developing an understanding of Data Representation in CBSE Class 11


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