Data representation news

  • Data visualization examples

    A bar graph also known as a bar chart is a chart that presents data that is grouped into rectangular bars.
    Here the length of the bar is directly proportional to the values they represent.
    The bar graph can be drawn vertically or horizontally.
    A vertical bar graph is known as a Column Bar Graph..

  • How do you portray data?

    More specific examples of methods of visualising data:

    1. Area chart
    2. Bar chart
    3. Box-and-whisker plots
    4. Bubble cloud
    5. Bullet graph
    6. Cartogram
    7. Circle view
    8. Dot distribution map

  • How should data be displayed?


    1. Indicators show one KPI, clearly
    2. Line charts display trends
    3. Bar charts break things down, simply
    4. Column charts compare values side-by-side
    5. Pie charts clearly show proportions
    6. Area charts compare proportions
    7. Pivot table easily present key figures
    8. Scatter charts: distribution and relationships

  • What are the examples of data visualization for social media?

    Some examples of effective types of visualizations for social media are bar charts, pie charts, line charts, maps, icons, and infographics.
    You can also use colors, fonts, shapes, and images to enhance the visual appeal and readability of your data visualizations..

  • What is the future of data visualization?

    The data-driven landscape is shifting towards real-time insights, and data visualization is at the forefront of this transformation.
    In 2024 and beyond, real-time data visualization is poised to become a game-changer.
    Data will be updated live and even provide up-to-the-seconds information for the users..

  • What is the role of data visualization in journalism?

    In the reporting phase, visualizations can: Help you identify themes and questions for the rest of your reporting.
    Identify outliers: good stories, or perhaps errors, in your data..

  • Why data visualization is important in news?

    visualizations also play multiple roles in publishing: Illustrate a point made in a story in a more compelling way.
    Remove unnecessarily technical information from prose.
    Particularly when they are interactive and allow exploration, provide transparency about your reporting process to your readers..

  • Visualization methods that show data over a time period to display as a way to find trends or changes over time.

    1. Area Graph
    2. Bubble Chart
    3. Candlestick Chart
    4. Gantt Chart
    5. Heatmap
    6. Line Graph
    7. Nightingale Rose Chart
    8. Open-high-low-close Chart
  • You can use bar charts to compare items between different groups, measure changes over time and identify patterns or trends.
    Other popular forms of data visualization include pie charts, line graphs, area charts, histograms, pivot tables, boxplots, scatter plots, radar charts and choropleth maps.May 10, 2023
Explaining the news through visualizations and data analysis from the NBC News Digital Data/Graphics team.The Data PointInflation trackerSchool Shooting TrackerGrocery store shoppers

Can data journalism be used to represent television news?

Lim, Jeongsub's (Representation of Data Journalism Practices in The South Korean and US Television News) investigated and studied how to use data journalism to represent television news by comparing and analyzing the data news content of Korean and the US television networks (Lim 2019 )

(3) The impact on the data journalism industry

Is data representational?

Recognizing data as representational, however, does not commit one to the view that their evidential value is fixed

As we have illustrated, the same data can be informative about various aspects of the world, though which aspects are of course constrained by the processes involved in the data’s production

Why is data news important?

Today’s data news is not just about static data

In some major events and events, it is accompanied by the dynamic output of data

For example, the changes of medals in the Olympic Games present the advantage of being easy to read and understand in the visual display of data news

Finally, it become a tool for dynamic reporting


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Collection and representation of data
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Data representation and processing-04 (spreadsheet)
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Data representation and processing 04 spreadsheet
Data representation and processing spreadsheet