Data representation us

  • How are we to represent data?

    Data can be represented in multiple ways such as tables, bar graphs, histograms, and frequency plots.
    These methods provide different perspectives of the same information, helping to answer various questions about the data..

  • How do we represent the data?

    Digital devices represent numeric data using the binary number system, also called base 2.
    The binary number system only has two digits: 0 and 1.
    No numeral like 2 exists in the system, so the number “two” is represented in binary as 10 (pronounced “one zero”)..

  • How is data usually represented?

    Data representation is how data is represented and presented to users.
    For example, human languages represent the physical world (written form) and the digital world (spoken or written form).
    Data representations include charts, graphs, tables, and other tools for representing quantitative data..

  • What is the method of data representation?

    Data visualisation helps us comprehend what the data means by providing visual context in maps or graphs.
    This allows the human mind to interpret the data more naturally, making it easier to spot trends, structures, and outliers in large data sets..

  • Well, the smallest unit in the computer's memory to store data is called a BYTE, which consists of 8 BITS.
    One Byte allows upto 256 different combinations of data representation (28= 256).
Data representations are graphics that display and summarize data and help us to understand the data's meaning.


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