Data represented as discrete signals

  • How do you know if a signal is discrete?

    A discrete time signal has values for only discrete points in time.
    Signals can also be a function of space (images) or of space and time (video), and may be continuous or discrete in each dimension.
    Continuous-time system has continuous-time inputs and outputs..

  • In which type of data are represented as discrete signals?

    Digital computers process data that is in discrete form whereas analog computers process data that is continuous in nature.
    Hybrid computers on the other hand can process data that is both discrete and continuous..

  • What is an example of a digital discrete signal?

    Example 2.6
    When a discrete signal 1, −2 is inputted to a processing system the output sequence is 1, −5, 8, −4.
    Derive the transfer function for the system.
    Find the first three terms of the output sequence in response to the finite input sequence of 2, 2, 1..

  • What is an example of a discrete signal?

    Think of any signal that is read at a specific instant in time.
    For example, if you measured the temperature in your room every hour, on the hour, then this is an example of a discrete signal..

  • What is discrete data signal?

    A discrete signal or discrete-time signal is a time series consisting of a sequence of quantities.
    Unlike a continuous-time signal, a discrete-time signal is not a function of a continuous argument; however, it may have been obtained by sampling from a continuous-time signal..

  • Which signal is represented by the discrete values?

    A digital signal is a signal that represents data as a sequence of discrete values; at any given time it can only take on, at most, one of a finite number of values..

  • Which signal works on discrete data?

    A digital signal is a signal that represents data as a sequence of discrete values.
    A digital signal can only take on one value from a finite set of possible values at a given time.
    With digital signals, the physical quantity representing the information can be many things: Variable electric current or voltage..

  • Digital Computer: Digital computers are machines that employ a binary number system which has two digits only: 0 and 1.
    Using this binary system, many complicated tasks are undertaken.
    It processes the data represented in discrete and the main three components of digital computers are as follows: Input.
  • Digital signals can only take on digital values — usually either 1/0, but also 64-bit integers, quantized floating-point values, etc.
    Discrete signal is the one which is defined only for discrete time values like it would be defined for t=1,2,3,4….
  • Think of any signal that is read at a specific instant in time.
    For example, if you measured the temperature in your room every hour, on the hour, then this is an example of a discrete signal.
In digital computers, data are represented as discrete signals, as opposed to analog computers, where data is represented by continuously varying physical quantities such as voltage or temperature. In digital computers, data is represented as binary digits (bits), with each bit representing a 0 or 1.
In digital computers, data are represented as discrete signals, as opposed to analog computers, where data is represented by continuously varying physical quantities such as voltage or temperature.
In digital computers, data are represented as discrete signals, as opposed to analog computers, where data is represented by continuously varying physical quantities such as voltage or temperature. In digital computers, data is represented as binary digits (bits), with each bit representing a 0 or 1.


The term digital signal has related definitions in different contexts. In digital electronics

Logic voltage levels

A waveform that switches representing the two states of a Boolean value (0 and 1, or low and high


To create a digital signal, an analog signal must be modulated with a control signal to produce it. The simplest modulation


Digital signals may be sampled by a clock signal at regular intervals by passing the signal through a flip-flop. When this is done

See also

• Intersymbol

Can a digital processing device produce a discrete-time signal?

Because digital processing devices process data at discrete time steps, continuous signals must be sampled at discrete time intervals

It turns out that it is possible to sample many continuous signals at discrete time intervals, producing discrete-time signals, without any loss or degradation as compared to the original analog signal

What is a digital signal?

Digital signal

A digital signal is a signal that is being used to represent data as a sequence of discrete values; at any given time it can only take on one of a finite number of values

What is a discrete signal?

This is normally referred to as discrete signal (discrete in time but continuous in amplitude)

Now further when you take this discrete signal and quantise it i

e say assign each sample which takes continuous amplitude to one of the N discrete quantisation levels of a quantiser, Then your total signal now is a digital signal
×Data represented as discrete signals are data that are defined only at discrete instants of time and expressed in binary code. Discrete signals can be symbolized as s (n) or x (n), where n is an integer. Discrete signals are used by digital computers to process information in discrete form.,Explanation Digital computers represent data as discrete signals, which means that they are represented as a sequence of numbers.The signals which are defined only at discrete instants of time are known as discrete time signals. The discrete time signals are represented by x (n) where n is the independent variable in time domain.Explanation: Digital computer, any of a class of devices capable of solving problems by processing information in discrete form. It operates on data, including magnitudes, letters, and symbols, that are expressed in binary code—i.e., using only the two digits 0 and 1.A discrete-time signal is represented symbolically as s (n), where n = {...,-1,0,1...}. We usually draw discrete-time signals as stem plots to emphasize the fact they are functions defined only on the integers.
In signal processing, multidimensional discrete convolution refers to the mathematical operation between two functions f and g on an n-dimensional lattice that produces a third function, also of n-dimensions.
Multidimensional discrete convolution is the discrete analog of the multidimensional convolution of functions on Euclidean space.
It is also a special case of convolution on groups when the group is the group of n-tuples of integers.


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