Data representation paper

  • How is data represented in a document?

    Data in computers is represented as bits (binary digits) and bytes (group of 8 bits).
    It can be stored and processed as numbers, characters, images, audio, video, etc.
    Some examples of data representation in real life: A word document is stored as a series of characters..

  • a representation of something in the form of digital data — i.e., computerised data that is represented using discrete (discontinuous) values to embody information, as contrasted with continuous, or analog signals that behave in a continuous manner or represent information using a continuous function.
To permit visualization, analysis, and reporting, data must be transformed from their original raw state into a form, or representation, that is suitable for 

Data as Representations

We understand data to be records of the results of a process of inquiry that involves interacting with the world

Data Adequacy-For-Purpose

It remains to articulate the pragmatic dimension of the PR view

Illustrating The PR View

The simple rain gauge example above is useful for introducing the PR view. However, since most uses of data in science are not so simple


Data represented table
Data collection and representation in tables
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Data representation in dbms
Kb representation
Data representation design
Data representation device
Data representation description
Data representation is defined as
Data representation methods in excel
Data representation meaning in punjabi
Data representation methodology
Data representation meaning in computer science
Data representation meaning in computing
Data representation media
Data representation in memory
Data representation in memory bit
Data representation in data communication and networking
Data representation semantics