Data structures and algorithms interview questions

  • Data structures and algorithms for interviews

    A data structure is a named location that can be used to store and organize data.
    And, an algorithm is a collection of steps to solve a particular problem.
    Learning data structures and algorithms allow us to write efficient and optimized computer programs..

  • How to prepare data structures and algorithms for interviews?

    Data structures allow us to organize and store data, while algorithms allow us to process that data in a meaningful way.
    Learning data structure and algorithms will help you become a better programmer.
    You will be able to write code that is more efficient and more reliable..

  • How to prepare data structures and algorithms for interviews?

    To fully understand DSA concepts, it's crucial to learn them in the right order.
    You should create self-notes and use visuals to organize your ideas.
    This will help you in revising the concepts later.
    It's also a good idea to brainstorm with a friend to discuss each topic and to seek guidance from a mentor when needed..

  • What data structure questions are asked in interview?

    Basic Data Structure Interview Questions for Freshers

    What is a Data Structure? Describe the types of Data Structures? What is a Linear Data Structure? What are some applications of Data Structures? What is the difference between file structure and storage structure? What is a multidimensional array?.

  • What data structure questions are asked in interview?

    To fully understand DSA concepts, it's crucial to learn them in the right order.
    You should create self-notes and use visuals to organize your ideas.
    This will help you in revising the concepts later.
    It's also a good idea to brainstorm with a friend to discuss each topic and to seek guidance from a mentor when needed..

  • What data structures and algorithms is all about?

    Common DSA Interview Questions

    Tell me about yourself/ Introduce yourself.Describe yourself using one word/ How would your friends describe you?What are your strengths and weaknesses?What do you usually do outside of school/ What are your hobbies?How can you bring value to the school?.

  • What questions are asked in a DSA interview?

    Common DSA Interview Questions

    Tell me about yourself/ Introduce yourself.Describe yourself using one word/ How would your friends describe you?What are your strengths and weaknesses?What do you usually do outside of school/ What are your hobbies?How can you bring value to the school?.

  • Contests

    DSA Tutorial.Array.Graph.Recursion.Divide & Conquer.Geometric.Bitwise.Greedy.
Algorithm/data structure questions
  • Where should you use data structures?
  • How would you remove duplicates from a given array in Java?
  • When should you apply a binary search?
  • How would you detect and remove a loop in a linked list?
  • Given an integer “n,” write a function to compute the nth Fibonacci number.
Top 50 Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) Questions for Interview Preparation
  • How would you reverse a linked list?
  • How would you find the middle node of a linked list?
  • How would you determine if a string has all unique characters?
  • How would you determine if two strings are anagrams of each other?

How important are data structures & algorithms in a software engineering interview?

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Data Structures and Algorithms are among the most important subjects in the world of Computer Science and Engineering

If you appear for a software engineering interview, you can be sure to face a round of questions specially dedicated to Data Structures and Algorithms – that is how crucial they are!

What are the most common data structure interview questions?

In terms of data structure interview questions, this is one of the most frequently asked question

Numerical analysis, operating system, AI, compiler design, database management, graphics, statistical analysis, and simulation


What is the difference between file structure and storage structure? The difference lies in the memory area accessed

Why do Tech recruiters focus on algorithms & data structures?

Algorithms and data structures are foundational to computer science

As the scaffolding for programming languages, tech recruiters place an emphasis on algorithms and data structures in interviews

If you’re looking for help with interview questions in those areas, you’ve come to the right place

35 Common Data Structure and Algorithm Interview Questions

  • 1. Where should you use data structures? ...
  • 2. How would you remove duplicates from a given array in Java? ...
  • 3. When should you apply a binary search? ...
  • 4. How would you detect and remove a loop in a linked list? ...
  • 5. Given an integer “n,” write a function to compute the nth Fibonacci number ...
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Data structures and algorithms interview questions
Data structures and algorithms interview questions
Data Feminism is a book written by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F.
Klein as part literature review, part call to action, Data Feminism provides a framework for data scientists seeking to learn how feminism can help them work toward justice, and for feminists who want to focus their efforts on the growing field of data science.
Through seven chapters Data Feminism provide examples of data biases and injustices, as well as strategies to redress them.
In doing so, D’Ignazio and Klein suggest data feminism as a way of thinking about data, both their uses and their limits, that is informed by direct experience, by a commitment to action, and by intersectional feminist thought.
The chapters are organised according to seven guiding principles : examine power, challenge power, elevate emotion and embodiment, rethink binaries and hierarchies, embrace pluralism, consider context, and make labor visible.


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