Data structures and algorithms for dummies

  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

    An algorithm is a set of steps for accomplishing something.
    Data structures are ways computers can represent things.
    A lot of the problems in programming look the same as other problems that have already been solved..

  • How can I learn data structures and algorithms by myself?

    Data structures are ways of organizing and storing data in a computer.
    Common data structures include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.
    Algorithms are sets of steps for solving problems.
    Basic algorithms include sorting, searching, and recursion.Feb 2, 2023.

  • How do I use algorithms and data structure in real life?

    An array is the simplest and most widely used data structure.
    Other data structures like stacks and queues are derived from arrays..

  • Why data structures and algorithms are hard to learn?

    Real-life applications of algorithms and data structures

    1. Arranging a particular type of data in a sequential arrangement: Storing contacts on our phone, Storing speech signals in speech processing, etc
    2. Implementing stack and queue
    3. Adjacency matrix representation of graphs

What Is DSA?

DSA is defined as a combination of two separate yet interrelated topics – Data Structure and Algorithms

What Is Data Structure?

A data structure is defined as a particular way of storing and organizing data in our devices to use the data efficiently and effectively

What Is Algorithm?

Algorithm is defined as a process or set of well-defined instructions that are typically used to solve a particular group of problems or perform a specific type of

How to Start Learning DSA?

The first and foremost thing is dividing the total procedure into little pieces which need to be done sequentially

Learn About Complexities

Here comes one of the interesting and important topics. The primary motive to use DSA is to solve a problem effectively and efficiently

Learn Data Structures

Here comes the most crucial and the most awaited stage of the roadmap for learning data structure and algorithm – the stage where you start learning

Learn Algorithms

Once you have cleared the concepts of Data Structures, now its time to start your journey through the Algorithms. Based on the type of nature and usage

Practice Problems on Data Structures and Algorithms

For practicing problems on individual data structures and algorithms, you can use the following links: 1. Practice problems on Arrays 2

Algorithm for maximum cardinality matching

In computer science, the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm is an algorithm that takes a bipartite graph as input and produces a maximum-cardinality matching as output — a set of as many edges as possible with the property that no two edges share an endpoint.
It runs in mwe-math-element> time in the worst case, where mwe-math-element> is set of edges in the graph, mwe-math-element> is set of vertices of the graph, and it is assumed that mwe-math-element>.
In the case of dense graphs the time bound becomes mwe-math-element>, and for sparse random graphs it runs in time mwe-math-element
> with high probability.
The Luleå algorithm of computer science, designed by Degermark et al. (1997), is a technique for storing and searching internet routing tables efficiently.
It is named after the Luleå University of Technology, the home institute/university of the technique's authors.
The name of the algorithm does not appear in the original paper describing it, but was used in a message from Craig Partridge to the Internet Engineering Task Force describing that paper prior to its publication.


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