Data structures and algorithms javascript interview questions

  • Can I solve DSA using JavaScript?

    JavaScript is a great language to learn data structures and algorithms since it has a good combination of flexibility and power.
    Many developers use JavaScript to model and manipulate data, which requires knowledge of data structures and algorithms..

  • Can I use JavaScript for DSA interviews?

    It depends on the interview.
    Usually the interview is for a particular post requiring skills in a particular language so the interviewer will ask you to code in that language.
    If the job will require both Java and Javascript then the interviewer might ask you which language you would prefer..

  • Can you do data structures and algorithms in JavaScript?

    Algorithms can be written in any programming language, including JavaScript.
    JavaScript is a client-side programming language that can easily execute most data structure algorithms..

  • What are algorithms and data structures in JavaScript?

    JavaScript algorithms are a set of programming instructions, known as inputs and outputs, that allow a data operation to function precisely at every execution.
    Meanwhile, JavaScript data structures are a method of organizing and storing data in a computer for efficient access and modification when necessary..

  • Basic Data Structure Interview Questions for Freshers

    What is a Data Structure? Describe the types of Data Structures? What is a Linear Data Structure? What are some applications of Data Structures? What is the difference between file structure and storage structure? What is a multidimensional array?
  • Algorithms are helpful for learning programming in general and are good for any developer to know.
    That being said, you don't really need to use algorithms for JavaScript programming most of the time.
JavaScript Most Commonly Asked Data Structure Questions
  • Custom sorting program in JS via Bubble Sort ?
  • Write a program to check if a string or word or number is palindrome ?
  • Write a program to check if value/target exists or not in ascending array in O(log n) time complexity ?

What are data structures and algorithm questions?

Data structures and algorithm questions will play a vital role if you’re screening candidates for Java-based roles

When it comes to hiring JavaScript developers through JavaScript online tests, the quality of your data structures interview questions will help you filter out the best candidates

Why are data structures important for JavaScript coding interviews?

For many developers and programmers, data structures are most important for cracking Javascript coding interviews

Questions and problems on data structures are fundamental to modern-day coding interviews

In fact, they have a lot to say over your hireability and entry-level rate as a candidate

JS: Interview Algorithm

  1. Verify a prime number?
  2. Find all prime factors of a number?
  3. Get nth Fibonacci number?
  4. Find the greatest common divisor of two numbers?
  5. Remove duplicate members from an array?
  6. Merge two sorted array?
  7. Swap two numbers without using a temp variable?
  8. Reverse a string in JavaScript?
More items


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