Data structures and algorithms vu handouts

How a data structure can simplify an algorithm?

We only want that it should create objects of list

The usage of the class of a data structure simplifies the code of the program

We can also use this class wherever needed in other programs

This shows that the choice of appropriate data structures can simplify an algorithm

It can make the algorithm much faster and efficient

What types of data structures are covered in C++?

Cover well-known data structures such as dynamic arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs

Implement data structures in C++ You have already studied the dynamic arrays in the previous course

What will I learn in a data structure course?

We will learn this with practice Learn the commonly used data structures

These form a programmer's basic data structure “toolkit”

In the previous course, you have learned how to form a loop, functions, use of arrays, classes and how to write programs for different problems


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