Data structures can erase from its beginning

  • A stack is a linear data structure in which an element is inserted or deleted only from the top position.
    Stack is based on last in last out (LIFO) property i.e. element inserted first will be the last one to be deleted.
    For example, assume a stack of plates kept in a rack.
A Circular Queue is the data structure that can erase from its beginning or its end in O(1) time. Assume we're removing the first node from the list. So, what's going to happen now? The second node will be at the top of the list.
A Circular Queue is the data structure that can erase from its beginning or its end in O(1) time. Assume we're removing the first node from the list. So, what's going to happen now?

What does deleting a data structure mean?

@James I mean removing from the stack, but "deleting" from any data structure means removing from the data structure

Truly deleting data (i e making the data unavailable to other code) is language-specific

However, this question doesn't specify a tag for a particular language

Which data structure can be erased from its beginning or end?

You set the root pointer to nil Done in O (1)

The data structures that can erase from its beginning or end in O (1) time are vector and deque

A vector is a dynamic array that can grow or shrink as needed

It provides constant time insert and erase operations at the end, as well as random access to elements

Which data structure should have the same complexity for deletion?

IMHO both data structures should have the same complexity for deletion

If you're open to using a custom data-structure, you might want to use a Doubly-Linked-List along with a HashMap

Read this example for usage

You should be able to argue which will be faster based on a fundamental understanding of how each works

Where did you get stuck?
Set in-between nodes to null: For any linked lists or queues, setting any in-between nodes to null will help to keep track of the start and end and make it easier to erase. Unlink the first node: After the in-between nodes have been set to null, the first node in the structure should be unlinked and erased.Use a circular buffer. Double the size when you run out of space. This will perform insert/delete at start/end as well as random access in O (1) time per operation (amortized). In C++, std::deque can do insert/delete at start/end as well as random access in O (1).


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