Data structures is

  • How is data structure represented?

    Representation of data structure in memory is known as Abstract Data Type.
    Abstract data types can be a list, stack, or queue which will be used to represent different data structures in memory..

  • What is the definition of data structure?

    Data structures are a specific way of organizing data in a specialized format on a computer so that the information can be organized, processed, stored, and retrieved quickly and effectively.
    They are a means of handling information, rendering the data for easy use.Jan 30, 2023.


In computer science, a data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that is usually chosen for efficient access to data


Data structures serve as the basis for abstract data types(ADT). The ADT defines the logical form of the data type


There are numerous types of data structures, generally built upon simpler primitive data types

Language support

Most assembly languages and some low-level languages, such as BCPL(Basic Combined Programming Language)

See also

• Abstract data type• Concurrent data structure• Data


Data structures is immutable
Data structures is algorithm
Data structures is linear
Data structures is computer science
Data structure is important
Data structure is used to perform recursion
Data structure is used for implementing recursion
Data structure is mcq
Data structure is set of
Data structure is primitive
Data structure is linked list
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