Data structures on ruby

  • Does Ruby have data types?

    Ruby features all the common data types you will encounter in any programming language: integers, floats, strings, arrays, symbols, hashes, etc..

  • What are the data structures in Ruby?

    The series starts with essential data structures like linked lists and stacks, then moves to advanced data structures like binary search trees and graphs, and finally, it introduces the concept of persistent data structures like the ones you find in functional programming languages like Clojure or Haskell.Dec 18, 2018.

  • What is Ruby tree data structure?

    RubyTree is a pure Ruby implementation of the generic tree data structure.
    It provides a node-based model to store named nodes in the tree, and provides simple APIs to access, modify and traverse the structure.
    The implementation is node-centric, where individual nodes in the tree are the primary structural elements..

  • Ruby features all the common data types you will encounter in any programming language: integers, floats, strings, arrays, symbols, hashes, etc.
  • The immutable-ruby gem provides 6 Persistent Data Structures: Hash , Vector , Set , SortedSet , List , and Deque (which works as an immutable queue or stack).
    Whenever you "modify" an Immutable collection, the original is preserved and a modified copy is returned.
    This makes them inherently thread-safe and shareable.
  • To create a new stack, we will use Stack. new to create a new Stack object.
    To add an item to the stack, we will use the push method.
    To remove an item from the stack, we will use the pop method.
Apr 15, 2019What is a data structure? A data structure is a specific way to organize & access data. Examples include: Arrays; Binary trees; Hashes.

The Hash Data Structure

Do you have a mapping between country codes & country names


A stack is like a stack of plates, you put one plate on top of another & you can only remove the plate on top

How to Use Binary Trees

Most Ruby developers have probably heard about binary trees but never used one. Why is that? First, we don't have a built-in binary tree implementation

The Trie Data Structure

A trie is a specialized tree-like data structure. It's helpful for working with words, and then quickly searching for words that start with a prefix


You have learned about common data structures, their main uses & characteristics, and how to use them in Ruby

What are arrays in Ruby?

Arrays in Ruby can have many different types of data

You can store strings, symbols, and even other arrays in an array: Arrays in Ruby are mutable, which means you can add values, remove values, and even modify entries in the array

Sometimes we need a way to label things in a program

That’s what symbols are for

What are the basic data structures in Ruby?

In Ruby there are 3 basic data structures

Scalars can hold a single value: a number or string

Arrays is an ordered list of scalars

Hashes are key-value pairs where the keys are uniques strings and the values are scalars The class method can tell us what kind of value a variable contains:

What is the crystal structure of a ruby?

Rubies and sapphires are naturally occurring minerals with definite chemical compositions, atomic structures and crystal structures

The crystal system of a ruby is a reflection of the internal arrangement of atoms, according to Dr

Susan Ward Aber of Emporia University

The crystal structure of a ruby is hexagonal (trigonal), dipyramidal

Working with Data Structures in Ruby

  • 1. Arrays Arrays are ordered, integer-indexed collections of objects. They can store different types of objects in the same array, and their length can change dynamically. ...
  • 2. Hashes Hashes are collections of key-value pairs, where each key is associated with a value. They are also known as dictionaries, associative arrays, or maps in other programming languages. ...
  • 3. Sets
Data structures on ruby
Data structures on ruby

Variety of corundum, mineral, gemstone

A ruby is a pinkish red to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum.
Ruby is one of the most popular traditional jewelry gems and is very durable.
Other varieties of gem-quality corundum are called sapphires.
Ruby is one of the traditional cardinal gems, alongside amethyst, sapphire, emerald, and diamond.
The word ruby comes from ruber, Latin for red.
The color of a ruby is due to the element chromium.
Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework written in

Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework written in

Server-side open source web application framework

Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License.
Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages.
It encourages and facilitates the use of web standards such as JSON or XML for data transfer and HTML, CSS and JavaScript for user interfacing.
In addition to MVC, Rails emphasizes the use of other well-known software engineering patterns and paradigms, including convention over configuration (CoC), don't repeat yourself (DRY), and the active record pattern.


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