Data structure in detail

  • Data structure examples

    Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, heaps, and graphs are the basic data structures..

  • DSA topics

    Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, Searching, Sorting, and Merging are some operations that can be performed on a linear data structure.
    Stack and queue are two examples of linear data structures..

  • How do you structure your data?

    Data structures organize data in a program and represent different data types in physical form.
    Every data structure defines: The method of connecting a group of elements and their in-memory representation.
    The allowed set of operations and algorithms over the grouped elements..

  • What are the steps in data structure?

    Data organization is the way to arrange the raw data in an understandable order.
    Organizing data include classification, frequency distribution table, picture representation, graphical representation, etc.
    Data organization helps us to arrange the data in order that we can easily read and work..

  • What is data structure and its classification in detail?

    Data structures organize data in a program and represent different data types in physical form.
    Every data structure defines: The method of connecting a group of elements and their in-memory representation.
    The allowed set of operations and algorithms over the grouped elements..

  • What is the basic structure of data?

    Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, heaps, and graphs are the basic data structures..

What is a tree data structure?

Similar to a graph, a tree is also a collection of vertices and edges

However, in tree data structure, there can only be one edge between two vertices

To learn more, visit Tree Data Structure

Now that we know about linear and non-linear data structures, let's see the major differences between them

Military tactic

Defeat in detail, or divide and conquer, is a military tactic of bringing a large portion of one's own force to bear on small enemy units in sequence, rather than engaging the bulk of the enemy force all at once.
This exposes one's own units to many small risks but allows for the eventual destruction of an entire enemy force.


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