Data structures with typescript

  • Can I do DSA in TypeScript?

    As for learning data structures and algorithms (DSA), TypeScript can be a good choice as it allows you to write code that is more strongly typed and thus less prone to runtime errors..

  • Do sets exist in TypeScript?

    Each value in a set only occurs once , sets are mainly used for storing distinct data values and are not only available in typescript but are also available in c++, java, etc..

  • Does TypeScript have a stack data structure?

    Stack data structure can be implemented as a class, which also implements the Iterable interface from TypeScript.
    This Iterable implementation will be covered later.
    In brief, whis implementation will allow retrieving items of the stack in a more natural manner.Aug 23, 2022.

  • Does TypeScript have data structures?

    In TypeScript, we can implement a graph data structure using classes.
    We will define two classes, namely Node and Graph, to represent a node and a graph, respectively.
    The Node class will have two properties: value and neighbors: value property will hold the value of the node.Apr 22, 2023.

  • What data structures does TypeScript have?

    Data Structures in TypeScript (7 Part Series)
    There are some types of linked lists: Singly linked list - Each node has only a pointer to the next node.
    Doubly linked list - Each node has pointers to both the previous and next node.
    Circular linked list - The last node points to the first element.Jun 10, 2021.

  • Data structures are formats in Javascript that help access the data in more efficient ways and make modifications when required.
    This is achieved through data structures as they allow you to organize, store, and manage the data in certain ways.
  • Each value in a set only occurs once , sets are mainly used for storing distinct data values and are not only available in typescript but are also available in c++, java, etc.
  • In JavaScript, an object is a collection of key-value pairs.
    This data structure is also called map, dictionary or hash-table in other programming languages.
    We use curly braces to declare the object.
    Then declare each key followed by a colon, and the corresponding value.
Aug 23, 2022Stack data structure can be implemented as a class, which also implements the Iterable interface from TypeScript. This Iterable implementation 
Data structures
  • Queue - a data structure to follow the FIFO principle;
  • Graph - a set of vertices and edges;
  • Stack - a data structure to follow the LIFO principle;
  • Linked list - a data structure to follow the FIFO principle;
  • Vector - is used to represent the mathematical vector used in linear algebra;

Table of Content

1. Stack 2. Queue 3


Queues are very similar to the stacks, but they handle items FIFO (first in first out)

Abstract Classes

At this point, we can already notice some patterns. Both stacks and queues have storage and capacity properties as well as the size method

What is typescript & why should you use it?

One of the most exciting things about Typescript is that it encourages developers to think in terms of "blueprints" rather than writing code straight away

In today's post, we will start talking about the data structures and their implementations in Typescript

What is typescript repository?

TypeScript Repository of TheAlgorithms, which implements various algorithms and data structures in TypeScript

These implementations are for demonstrative/educational purposes only

Dedicated implementations of these algorithms and data structures are much better for performance and security reasons

Where can I find the algorithms/typescript?

GitHub - TheAlgorithms/TypeScript: Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in TypeScript for beginners, following best practices

TypeScript Repository of TheAlgorithms, which implements various algorithms and data structures in TypeScript

These implementations are for demonstrative/educational purposes only

In JavaScript & TypeScript the only data structures provided are arrays, and string key hash maps. This limits the ability of developers to solve problems; where other data structures would work better with less code and more efficiency.


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