Data structures and algorithms for faang

  • Data structures for coding interviews

    Data structures and algorithm questions are an important part of any programming job interview, especially one for Data Science and Java-based role.
    Sound knowledge of data structures and algorithms will help you stand apart from the herd..

  • Data structures for coding interviews

    Why companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google focuses on Data Structures and Algorithms : Answered.
    If you're preparing for a tech interview of any big tech company like Adobe, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc..

  • Data structures for interviews

    It is sufficient if you take it as “Yes, you don't necessary need to have work experience, open source contribution etc.” I joined Google without having any of these, and there are several other people on my team who never ever worked at any other company except of Google..

  • Is system design important for FAANG?

    System Design + Architecture is one of the most essential skills that you can learn this year.
    Why? Because it can help you earn more money, build job security, get promoted, simplify your current job, get hired at FAANG, and much more.

  • What are the algorithms for FAANG?

    Sorting Algorithms: Knowing different sorting algorithms like Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick and many more O(n) sorts is important.
    Also, these algorithms have associated techniques like Divide and Conquer in Merge and Quick Sort, Dutch National Flag problem, etc which are also important..

  • What are the algorithms for FAANG?

    Sorting Algorithms: Knowing different sorting algorithms like Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick and many more O(n) sorts is important.
    Also, these algorithms have associated techniques like Divide and Conquer in Merge and Quick Sort, Dutch National Flag problem, etc which are also important.Apr 26, 2022.

  • Why is DSA important for FAANG?

    Data structures and algorithms are fundamental concepts in computer science and are used in a wide range of applications, including software development.
    These concepts are essential for building efficient and scalable software systems, and a strong understanding of them is crucial for any software engineer..

Basic Data-Structures

These are considered basic. Everyone should know how they work, when to use them

Advanced Data-Structures

After mastering the basic data-structures, knowing these more advanced ones will give you a higher chance of success

Basic Searching/Traversal Algorithms

All data structures are meant to hold information

Advanced Searching/Traversal Algorithms

There is a ton of research in this field, but for the purposes of a tech interview

Sorting Algorithms

Sorting is a common tool used to increase the performance of a solution. There are many sorting algorithms

Important Topics

Recursion is an extremely important topic that doesn’t come up as much in day to day software engineering as it does during interviews

Common Patterns

These patterns can be used to solve many similar algorithms questions 1. Backtracking 2. Two Pointers 3. Sliding Window 4. Divide & Conquer 5

Math Based Problems

1. Permutations 2. Combinations 3

Other Common Problems

1. String to Integer 2. Integer to String 3

How do I crack coding interviews at FAANG and Tier-1 companies?

To crack these interviews, you’ll need a calibrated prep approach that covers data structures and algorithms in extensive detail

If you’re looking for the data structures and algorithms’ best courses to nail coding interviews at FAANG and tier-1 companies, Interview Kickstart has one tailored just for you!

How to learn data structures & algorithms?

If you want to learn and master Data Structures & Algorithms in the most organized and efficient manner – then there is a DSA-Self Paced Course by GeeksforGeeks for you that covers all the DSA topics from basics to the advanced level and help you to prepare for interviews with top-notch companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe, etc

Why is FAANG a good company?

Though the reasons behind it are very clear and justified like the FAANG work culture is very much balanced and productive, salary at FAANG is quite fascinating, and above all that, the learning exposure & career growth at FAANG or other such leading tech companies including Microsoft, Uber, etc is something unparalleled!


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