Data structures for range searching

  • Which data structure effectively answer range queries?

    Dynamic range queries
    In order to efficiently update array values, more sophisticated data structures like the segment tree are necessary..

  • Which type of data structure do you use for searching?

    The two main types of searching in data structure are sequential/linear search, where each element is checked sequentially, and binary search, which is faster and works by dividing the dataset in half and comparing the middle element with the target value until a match is found..

  • Data structure
    A range tree on a set of 1-dimensional points is a balanced binary search tree on those points.
    The points stored in the tree are stored in the leaves of the tree; each internal node stores the largest value of its left subtree.
THE DATA STRUCTURES In this section we investigate a number of search methods for range searching. Each search method is specified by a data struc- ture forĀ 
We can answer a range search in this structure by a recursive algorithm that compares the range to the discriminator of the node it is currently visiting. If the range is entirely to one side or the other of the discriminator, only the appropriate son is searched; otherwise both sons are searched recursively.

Higher Dimensions

The variations in single dimensions with respect to range was basically open or closed intervals. But, when we go to higher dimensions

Other Data Structures That Can Be Used For Range Searching

Apart from k-d trees and balanced binary that we saw, there are other data structures as well that can be used for range searching


1. In addition to being considered in computational geometry, range se… 2

What is a single dimensional range search?

So, we are searching the entire database with one specific attribute (section), so a single attribute defines a single dimensional range searching

We are calling it single because we are only searching the section column

In the same way, the number of attributes become the number of dimensions where the searching is performed

What is range searching?

Range Searching is one of the most important fields in computational geometry and the areas of database searching and mostly in geographical data bases

Which data structure should be used for range searching?

Range Searching 2 Data structure for a set of objects (points, rectangles, polygons) for efficient range queries

2 Depends on type of objects and queries

Consider basic data structures with broad applicability

2 Time-Space tradeoff: the more we preprocess and store, the faster we can solve a query

Data structure for range query

  • Add range - this should merge the ranges if applicable
  • Delete range - this deletes range from tracked ranges and recompute the ranges
  • Query range - Given a character, function should return whether it is part of any of tracked ranges or not.


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