Data structure and metadata

  • How is data different from metadata?

    While data can simply be a piece of information, a list of measurements, or observations, a story or a description of a certain entity, metadata specifies information about the original data which assists in identifying the nature and features of that data..

  • How is metadata expressed and structured?

    Structural metadata is metadata that describes the structure, type, and relationships of data.
    For example, in a SQL database, the data is described by metadata stored in the Information Schema and the Definition Schema..

  • What data type is metadata?

    Metadata Types
    There are three main types of metadata: descriptive, administrative, and structural.
    Descriptive metadata enables discovery, identification, and selection of resources.
    It can include elements such as title, author, and subjects.
    Administrative metadata facilities the management of resources.Aug 28, 2023.

  • What is a metadata structure?

    Structural metadata describes the structure of an object including its components and how they are related.
    It also describes the format, process, and inter-relatedness of objects.
    It can be used to facilitate navigation, or define the format or sequence of complex objects..

  • What is difference between metadata and data?

    While data can simply be a piece of information, a list of measurements, or observations, a story or a description of a certain entity, metadata specifies information about the original data which assists in identifying the nature and features of that data..

  • What is metadata in data structure?

    Metadata means "data about data".
    Metadata is defined as the data providing information about one or more aspects of the data; it is used to summarize basic information about data that can make tracking and working with specific data easier..

  • What is the file structure metadata?

    File metadata and file properties are information that describe or relate to a file, such as its name, size, type, date, author, location, and tags.
    File metadata can be embedded within the file itself, such as in a PDF or an image, or stored externally by the file system, such as in a folder or a cloud service..

  • File metadata and file properties are information that describe or relate to a file, such as its name, size, type, date, author, location, and tags.
    File metadata can be embedded within the file itself, such as in a PDF or an image, or stored externally by the file system, such as in a folder or a cloud service.
  • For example, a digital image's metadata can include information related to the image's resolution, size, color depth, and time of creation.
    This information can be used for data classification, labeling, organization, sorting, tracking, searching, and analysis.
    This is part of a series of articles about data security.
  • Structural metadata indicates how a piece of data is organized and whether it is a part of one or more than one, data collection.
    For example, a large company has several data collections across its many departments, structural metadata indicates exactly how many collections the data lives in.
Jun 17, 2023Metadata helps to understand the characteristics, structure, relationships, and other properties associated with the data. Purpose and function:.
A more formal definition of metadata is the structural or descriptive information about data such as content, format, source, rights, accuracy, provenance, frequency, periodicity, granularity, publisher or responsible party, contact information, method of collection, and other descriptions.


Metadata (or metainformation) is " data that provides information about other data", but not the content of the data itself


Metadata has various purposes. It can help users find relevant information and discover resources


While the metadata application is manifold, covering a large variety of fields


Metadata (metacontent) or, more correctly, the vocabularies used to assemble metadata (metacontent) statements


International standards apply to metadata. Much work is being accomplished in the national and international standards communities

ISO standard

The Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is an ISO standard, originally created by Adobe Systems Inc., for the creation, processing and interchange of standardized and custom metadata for digital documents and data sets.
Data structure and metadata
Data structure and metadata

Data about data

Common Language Infrastructure metadata about classes and class members

Metadata, in the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), refers to certain data structures embedded within the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) code that describes the high-level structure of the code.
Metadata describes all classes and class members that are defined in the assembly, and the classes and class members that the current assembly will call from another assembly.
The metadata for a method contains the complete description of the method, including the class, the return type and all of the method parameters.

Central location to store metadata

A metadata registry is a central location in an organization where metadata definitions are stored and maintained in a controlled method.

Database storing metadata

A metadata repository is a database created to store metadata.
Metadata is information about the structures that contain the actual data.
Metadata is often said to be data about data, but this is misleading.
Data profiles are an example of actual data about data
Metadata adds one layer of abstraction to this definition– it is data about the structures that contain data.
Metadata may describe the structure of any data, of any subject, stored in any format.

Digital preservation metadata standard

PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) is the de facto digital preservation metadata standard.


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