Data structure vector delete

  • Can you delete from a vector?

    We can remove all the elements of a vector using different methods present in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
    The methods used for removing the elements from a vector are: vector::pop_back() vector::pop_front().

  • How do you delete a vector object?

    Example - erase(position)
    We can remove all the elements of a vector by using the erase function with a for loop.
    The last position of a vector gets passed to the erase function as a parameter.
    It erases all the elements in the vector from the end, one by one..

  • How do you delete part of a vector?

    All the elements of the vector are removed using the clear() function. erase() function, on the other hand, is used to remove specific elements from the container or a range of elements from the container, thus reducing its size by the number of elements removed.Oct 9, 2023.

  • How do you remove data from a vector?

    All the elements of the vector are removed using the clear() function. erase() function, on the other hand, is used to remove specific elements from the container or a range of elements from the container, thus reducing its size by the number of elements removed.Oct 9, 2023.

  • What is deletion vector?

    Deletion vectors are a storage optimization feature that can be enabled on Delta Lake tables.
    By default, when a single row in a data file is deleted, the entire Parquet file containing the record must be rewritten..

  • If you have a vector and it goes out of scope, all objects in the vector are destroyed.
    There isn't really a need to call clear() unless you want to dump the contents and reuse the vector.
  • pop_back() function is used to pop or remove elements from a vector from the back.
    The value is removed from the vector from the end, and the container size is decreased by 1.
  • What that means is when you erase the first element of a vector, all the remaining elements will be shifted by one position to the left, causing a large amount of copies.
    That is precisely why std::vector::erase is a costly $O(n)$ operation.
In conclusion, the vector class provides several methods to remove elements from the container such as:
  1. pop_back() to remove the last element,
  2. erase() to remove specific elements or range of elements,
  3. clear() to remove all elements and leave the container with a size of 0.
Methods used to remove elements from vector are:
  1. vector::pop_back()
  2. vector::pop_front()
  3. vector::erase()
  4. vector::clear()
  5. remove(first,last,val)
  6. remove_if()
  7. remove_copy(first,last,result,val)
Oct 9, 2023clear() vs erase(), when to use what? clear() removes all the elements from a vector container, thus making its size 0. All the elements of theĀ 


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