Data structures and algorithms site

  • Which is the best site to practice data structures and algorithms?

    GeeksForGeeks or GFG is the first site to pop-up in your google-search to learn anything related to Tech.
    It is an excellent resource with great tutorials and explanation for any topic or algorithm..

  • It is sufficient if you take it as “Yes, you don't necessary need to have work experience, open source contribution etc.” I joined Google without having any of these, and there are several other people on my team who never ever worked at any other company except of Google.
  • Search engines typically use a combination of data structures to efficiently store and retrieve information.
    One of the main data structures used by search engines is the inverted index, which is a type of data structure that allows search engines to efficiently locate documents that contain a given word or phrase.


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Data structures and time complexity
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Data structures titles
Data structures time series
Data structure time complexity mcq
Data structure time complexity questions