Data structure time complexity java

  • Data structures names

    Data Structure in java is defined as the collection of data pieces that offers an effective means of storing and organising data in a computer.
    Linked List, Stack, Queue, and arrays are a few examples of java data structures..

  • Data structures names

    Time Complexity of a Stack storing 'N' elements
    The searching operation also takes a total time of O(N), as reaching any specific element isn't possible without popping the elements stored before it.
    Operations like insertion or deletion in a stack take constant time i.e.
    O(1).Oct 13, 2023.

  • What is time complexity in Java for data structure?

    Time complexity is defined in terms of how many times it takes to run a given algorithm, based on the length of the input.Oct 11, 2023.

AverageArrayΘ(1)Θ(n)StackΘ(n)Θ(n)QueueΘ(n)Θ(n)Data Structure time complexity - Core Java Interview › ds-time-complexityAbout Featured Snippets
Nov 2, 2023The average time complexity of different data structures for different operations. Data structure, Access, Search, Insertion, Deletion. Array, O  Data structure: Access
Singly Linked list: O(1)
AVL Tree: O(log n)


1. Set, Check element at a particular index: O(1) 2


1. Add: Amortized O(1) 2. Remove: O(n) 3

Linked List

1. Inserting: O(1), if done at the head, O(n)if anywhere else since we hav… 2

Doubly-Linked List

1. Inserting: O(1), if done at the head or tail, O(n)if anywhere else since we … 2


1. Push: O(1) 2. Pop: O(1) 3

Queue/Deque/Circular Queue

1. Insert: O(1) 2. Remove: O(1) 3

Heap/Priorityqueue (Min/Max)

1. Find Min/Find Max: O(1) 2. Insert: O(log n) 3


1. Insert/Delete: O(1)amortized 2. Re-size/hash: O(n) 3


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