Data structures google interview questions

  • 5 Steps to learn DSA from scratch
    Learn a programming language of your choice.
    Learn about Time and Space complexities.
    Learn the basics of individual Data Structures and Algorithms.
    Practice, Practice, and Practice more.
  • What type of coding questions are asked in Google interview?

    Google mostly asks pure Data Structures and Algorithms based questions in the coding interview.
    Other CS core topics are not asked in google interviews.
    You need to be proficient in DSA to clear the Google coding interview.
    You can do so by practicing the google asked problems..

Data Structure and Algorithm Interview Questions for Google Interview
  • How do you find the duplicate number on a given integer array?
  • How do you find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array?
  • How do you identify duplicate numbers in an array if it consists of multiple duplicates?


Arrays are one of the most fundamental data structures in programming and computer science


A string is an ordered sequence, or string, of characters. It is usually considered a data type and is often included as part of language primitives

Linked Lists

A linked list is a data structure used to store a collection of data elements. In this way, it is similar to an array. However, unlike an array

Stacks and Queues

Stacks and queues are similar and complementary in many ways


A tree is an abstract hierarchical data structure. It is represented by a group of linked nodes, with a single root node. Each node can have zero or multiple children


A graph is an abstract data structure represented by vertices connected by edges. Vertices are also known as nodes


A map is a data structure that allows us to access a value by key. This is in contrast to an array that allows us to access a value by index


A heap is a tree-based data structure that implements a priority queue. A priority queue functions much like a regular stack or queue

How to Prepare For A Coding Interview

If you're reading this article

What are data structure interview questions?

Data structure interview questions are a core part of software engineer interviews at companies such as Facebook, Google, or Amazon

That's why we've compiled a comprehensive list of 73 typical questions grouped by type (arrays, strings, linked list, etc

) and included links to high quality solutions

What data structure coding problems are asked at Google interviews?

Strings are another important data structure around which coding problems are asked at Google’s interviews

Let’s look at some data structure interview questions on Strings

For a given String S, write a code to reverse the string without disturbing the individual words

Google Data Structure Interview Questions on Arrays

  1. For a given array of size N-1, containing integers in the range from 1 to N, write a program to find the missing element in the array.
  2. For a given array containing positive integers, write a code to return the sum of the elements of the array.
  3. For a given unsorted array of size N, write a code to rotate it anticlockwise by D elements.
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Data structures google interview questions
Data structures google interview questions

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