Data warehousing case study

  • How does data warehousing works?

    How to build a data warehouse in 7 steps:

    1. Elicit goals
    2. Conceptualize and select the platform
    3. Create a business case and develop a project roadmap
    4. Analyze the system and design the data warehouse architecture
    5. Develop and stabilize the system
    6. Launch the solution
    7. Ensure after-launch support

  • What are data warehouse use cases?

    Data warehouse use cases

    Historical trend analysis. Customer segmentation. Financial reporting. Supply chain optimization. Sales and marketing performance. Market basket analysis..

  • What are data warehouse use cases?

    Data Warehousing integrates data and information collected from various sources into one comprehensive database.
    For example, a data warehouse might combine customer information from an organization's point-of-sale systems, its mailing lists, website, and comment cards..

  • What are data warehousing projects?

    Data warehousing (DW) is a technique of gathering and analyzing data from many sources to get valuable business insights.
    Typically, a data warehouse integrates and analyzes business data from many sources.
    The data warehouse is the basis of the business intelligence (BI) system, which can analyze and report on data..

  • What do you mean by data warehousing?

    A data warehouse is a relational database system used to store, query, and analyze the data and to report functions.
    The data warehousing structure is ideal for analyzing structured data with advanced in-database analytics techniques..

  • What is a real life example of data warehousing?

    A data warehouse is a central repository of information that can be analyzed to make more informed decisions.
    Data flows into a data warehouse from transactional systems, relational databases, and other sources, typically on a regular cadence..

  • What is a real life example of data warehousing?

    Data Warehousing integrates data and information collected from various sources into one comprehensive database.
    For example, a data warehouse might combine customer information from an organization's point-of-sale systems, its mailing lists, website, and comment cards..

  • What is data warehousing with example?

    The Data warehouse works by collecting and organizing data into a comprehensive database.
    Once the data is collected, it is sorted into various tables depending on the data type and layout..

Greenfield in (1996) " analysis " with " reporting ". Ahmad and Ahmad. Page 2. (2010) propose the crucial role of data warehouse for statistical bureau, 
The objective of this project is to develop a web-based interactive courseware to help data warehouse designers to enhance understanding of the key concepts of 

Dimensional Modeling

Dimensional modeling is the widely used technique to design data warehouse mainly because it addresses below two requirements simultaneously:

Use Case

Background One of the online retail company’s features is an e-wallet service


Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross, The Data Warehouse Toolkit, 2nd Edition

How can cloud-based data warehousing help your business?

New cloud-based tools allow enterprises to setup a data warehouse in days, with no upfront investment, and with much greater scalability, storage and query performance

A few data warehousing best practices

First of all, working with data can be a complicated and stressful process

However, that certainly doesn’t need to be the case

What is a data warehouse?

Manoj A data warehouse is a large collection of business-related historical data that would be used to make business decisions

Data warehouse stores aggregated transactional data, transformed and stored for analytical purposes

Data warehouses store data from multiple sources, which makes it easier to analyze

What is data warehouse & dimensional modeling?

Based on my prior experience as Data Engineer and Analyst, I will explain Data Warehousing and Dimensional modeling using an e-Wallet case study

— Manoj A data warehouse is a large collection of business-related historical data that would be used to make business decisions

FBI surveillance database

Investigative Data Warehouse (IDW) is a searchable database operated by the FBI.
It was created in 2004.
Much of the nature and scope of the database is classified.
The database is a centralization of multiple federal and state databases, including criminal records from various law enforcement agencies, the U.S.
Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), and public records databases.
According to Michael Morehart's testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services in 2006, the IDW is a centralized, web-enabled, closed system repository for intelligence and investigative data.
This system, maintained by the FBI, allows appropriately trained and authorized personnel throughout the country to query for information of relevance to investigative and intelligence matters.


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