Data warehousing using mongodb

  • Can MongoDB used as data warehouse?

    In many cases, the MongoDB data platform provides enough support for analytics that a data warehouse or a data lake is not required.
    Some of the features that MongoDB provides to support analytics include: A powerful aggregation pipeline that allows for data to be aggregated and analyzed in real time..

  • How is data stored in a MongoDB database?

    MongoDB stores data objects in collections and documents instead of the tables and rows used in traditional relational databases.
    Collections comprise sets of documents, which are equivalent to tables in a relational database.
    Documents consist of key-value pairs, which are the basic unit of data in MongoDB..

  • How MongoDB is used in big data?

    MongoDB is a preferred big data option thanks to its ability to easily handle a wide variety of data formats, support for real-time analysis, high-speed data ingestion, low-latency performance, flexible data model, easy horizontal scale-out, and powerful query language..

  • What kind of data is stored in MongoDB?

    MongoDB stores data objects in collections and documents instead of the tables and rows used in traditional relational databases.
    Collections comprise sets of documents, which are equivalent to tables in a relational database.
    Documents consist of key-value pairs, which are the basic unit of data in MongoDB..

  • What type of database does MongoDB use?

    MongoDB is a NoSQL distributed database program.
    Because data doesn't need to fit within the confines of a strict relationship, MongoDB can operate as a general data store.
    This database provides several advantages.
    In this type of database, data is stored in MongoDB and maps to a flexible schema..

  • Which database model is best used for data warehouses?

    The Central Data Warehouse should be implemented in a relational database(RDBMS) .
    It stores consolidated, detailed, corporate-wide data.
    It is based on a "star-schema" design, and it is constituted by multiple data marts integrated through conformed facts and dimensions..

  • Documents are used to store data in MongoDB.
    These documents are saved in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format in MongoDB.
    JSON documents support embedded fields, allowing related data and data lists to be stored within the document rather than in an external table.
    JSON is written in the form of name/value pairs.
  • Instead of tables, a MongoDB database stores its data in collections.
    A collection holds one or more BSON documents.
    Documents are analogous to records or rows in a relational database table.
    Each document has one or more fields; fields are similar to the columns in a relational database table.
  • MongoDB provides two types of data models: — Embedded data model and Normalized data model.

Can Hadoop and MongoDB be used together for big data analytics?

Hadoop and MongoDB can be used together for big data analytics to store, integrate, and process big data in a distributed environment

Data processing involves organizing and splitting the stored data for analytics

There are two main types of data for processing: Batch: Batch processing is useful when decision-making is not urgent

How to integrate MongoDB with a data warehouse?

Pull data from your source database by integrating in minutes, control the data you want to replicate to your data warehouse in minimal implementation time

Getting started is easy

First, connect a data warehouse as a Destination

Then, add MongoDB as a Data Source

Is MongoDB a document database?

Document stores are highly scalable and available by design, and can partition, replicate, and persist the data

MongoDB is a document-based NoSQL database that stores data in a BSON ( JSON-like format )

Such a format is easy to read and traverse

MongoDB is also suitable for handling transactional data


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