What is data warehousing in healthcare

A healthcare data warehouse (healthcare DWH) is a digital repository of data that has been gathered from multiple sources and prepared for analysis.

Healthcare Data Warehouse Architecture

The choice of a healthcare data warehouse design depends on a number of factors. These include the scale of your organization, its specialization

Data Warehouse Deployment Strategies

In short, three options are available: using in-house infrastructure, moving the warehouse software and data to the cloud, or going hybrid

Data Warehouse Challenges in The Healthcare Industry

Now that you have an idea of the inner workings of a healthcare data warehouse, it's a good time to switch to another topic

3 Use Cases of Healthcare Data Warehouses

So, how do the benefits of having a DWH apply to real-life scenarios

Wrapping Up

A healthcare data warehouse can be an invaluable asset for any medical organization

Why should you use a data warehouse?

By processing significant amounts of claim-related data, the analytics tools connected to your warehouse can learn to identify "red flags" and stop fraudsters in their tracks

Patient data can be analyzed for gaps in care to fix issues and prevent lawsuits

With a data warehouse, every patient journey becomes clearly visible


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