Data storage over the years

  • Data storage device

    Cassette Tape
    Magnetic tape isn't that far different from a floppy disk, although it's a lot slower when accessing stored data.
    In the 1980s, computer software was often sold on cassette tape, just like music albums.
    Cassette recorders were available for home computers such as the Apple II and Commodore 64..

  • Data storage device

    Furthermore, SSDs don't use conventional spinning “platters” to store data, so there are fewer moving parts.
    Under optimal conditions, an SSD can be used for ten years or more without any hardware issues.
    This makes SSD ideal for long-term data storage..

  • Data storage device

    Magnetic Drum Memory
    Invented all the way back in 1932 (in Austria), it was widely used in the 1950s and 60s as the main working memory of computers.
    In the mid-1950s, magnetic drum memory had a capacity of around 10 kB..

  • How are data stored before 1950s?

    The prevailing data storage device until the end of the 1950s was magnetic drums, which used sensors and heads inside a metal drum to store and retrieve data.
    Nowadays we use hard drives, a data storage device that consists of spinning platters made of aluminum or glass that have been coated in a magnetic material..

  • How data storage has evolved over the years?

    Magnetic tape is still used to this day for storing huge amounts of data at low cost, although it has been eclipsed by cloud computing.
    Hard drives are an evolution of magnetic tapes in that they still use a magnetic storage medium and are one of the most resilient standards in the industry..

  • How has data storage changed over the years?

    Magnetic tape is still used to this day for storing huge amounts of data at low cost, although it has been eclipsed by cloud computing.
    Hard drives are an evolution of magnetic tapes in that they still use a magnetic storage medium and are one of the most resilient standards in the industry..

  • How is data storage changing?

    The future of data storage seems to be heading away from traditional tiered units in favor of combined services that give organizations more control over their data and eliminate the need for a large IT staff, as many functions can be handled remotely..

  • How was data stored in the 80s?

    Cassette Tape
    Magnetic tape isn't that far different from a floppy disk, although it's a lot slower when accessing stored data.
    In the 1980s, computer software was often sold on cassette tape, just like music albums.
    Cassette recorders were available for home computers such as the Apple II and Commodore 64..

  • What was data storage in the 1960s?

    In the 1960s, “magnetic storage” gradually replaced punch cards as the primary means for data storage.
    Magnetic tape was first patented in 1928, by Fritz Pfleumer.Nov 1, 2017.

Over the past 90 years, data storage evolved from magnetic drums and tapes to hard disk drives, then to mixed media, flash, and finally cloud storage.
Over the past 90 years, data storage evolved from magnetic drums and tapes to hard disk drives, then to mixed media, flash, and finally cloud storage.

How has data been stored?

Let's look back at ways data has been stored, with innovations dating back to the 19 th century, as well as storage technologies that are propelling us into the future

Before the age of personal and supercomputers, filing cabinets were used to store all office data

What is data storage & why is it important?

This has spurred a radical shift in the way in which we store and process data, with consumers expecting real-time access across devices

Data storage describes the technological means by which digital data is retained and archived for use on a computer or other related device

Over the past 90 years, data storage evolved from magnetic drums and tapes to hard disk drives, then to mixed media, flash, and finally cloud storage. That’s where we are today, and as our storage needs increase, innovation continues to evolve in multiple areas.


Data storage overview
Data storage past present
Data warehousing person
Data warehouse performance
Data warehouse performance tuning
Data warehouse performance metrics
Data warehouse persistent staging
Data warehouse performance testing
Data warehouse personas
Data warehouse periodic snapshot fact table
Data warehouse persistent staging area
Data warehouse performance indicators
Data warehouse personal
Data storage per user salesforce
Data storage per object salesforce
Intune data warehouse permissions
Cloud data warehouse performance testing
Data warehouse greenplum
Data warehouse pluralsight
Data warehousing for business intelligence specialization