Data warehouse fact table and dimension table

  • Types of data warehouse schemas

    Surrogate key

  • Types of data warehouse schemas

    The key differences between Fact and Dimension Tables are as follows: The Dimension table is a partner to the fact table and contains descriptive qualities that can be used as query constraints.
    The fact table includes measurements, metrics, or facts about business operations.Jun 6, 2023.

  • Types of data warehouse schemas

    The Star Schema in a nutshell
    The Star schema is widely used in the modelling of data warehouses and dimensional data marts.
    It is composed of a single fact table that references any number of dimension tables..

  • What is dimension and dimension table in data warehouse?

    A dimension table or dimension entity is a table or entity in a star, snowflake, or starflake schema that stores details about the facts.
    For example, a Time dimension table stores the various aspects of time such as year, quarter, month, and day..

Jun 6, 2023Fact tables and dimension tables play different but important roles in a data warehouse. Fact tables contain numerical data, while dimension  What is a Fact Table?Fact Table vs. Dimension Table


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