Data warehouse database

  • How do you create a data warehouse database?

    How to build a data warehouse in 7 steps:

    1. Elicit goals
    2. Conceptualize and select the platform
    3. Create a business case and develop a project roadmap
    4. Analyze the system and design the data warehouse architecture
    5. Develop and stabilize the system
    6. Launch the solution
    7. Ensure after-launch support

  • In case of MySQL Data Warehouse, besides the traditional data warehouses, there is a support for data marts, large historical (archive) data warehouses, and real time data warehouses.
    Especially those last ones are considered the future of data warehousing.


Data warehouse database design
Data warehouse database schema
Data warehouse database design best practices
Data warehouse database architecture
Data warehouse database naming conventions
Data warehouse database structure
Data warehouse ebook
Data warehouse ebenen
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Data warehouse objectives