Data warehouse surrogate key

  • How do I create a surrogate key in Azure SQL data warehouse?

    To load data into a table and generate a surrogate key by using IDENTITY, create the table and then use INSERT..
    SELECT or INSERT..VALUES to perform the load.
    It's not possible to use CREATE TABLE AS SELECT currently when loading data into a table with an IDENTITY column..

  • Is surrogate key and foreign key same?

    A foreign key is a reference to a primary key.
    There are two basic approaches to primary keys in a data model.
    Surrogate keys.
    A system-generated attribute is added to each entity type table and made the primary key..

  • What is a surrogate key in SCD Type 2?

    Surrogate Keys: SCD Type 2 introduces surrogate keys, which are artificial keys used to uniquely identify each version of a dimension record.
    These surrogate keys facilitate the efficient tracking and referencing of historical changes..

  • What is data warehouse key?

    In data warehouse tables, natural keys are meaningful values that identify records, such as social security numbers that identify specific customers, calendar dates in a time dimension, or SKU numbers in a product dimension.
    In some cases, natural keys are unique identifiers and can serve as primary keys..

  • What is surrogate key in SQL with example?

    What is a surrogate key.
    A surrogate key on a table is a column with a unique identifier for each row.
    The key is not generated from the table data.
    Data modelers like to create surrogate keys on their tables when they design data warehouse models..

  • What is the difference between surrogate key and artificial key?

    Artificial keys are generated automatically and have no intrinsic meaning, but they are important to database users in their work.
    Surrogate keys are created by database developers for some specific design purpose and are meaningless to, and not to be used by, clerical staff and database users..

  • Fact table surrogate keys, which are not associated with any dimension, are assigned sequentially during the ETL load process and are used 1) as the single column primary key of the fact table; 2) to serve as an immediate identifier of a fact table row without navigating multiple dimensions for ETL purposes; 3) to allow


In this article, you'll find recommendations and examples for using the IDENTITY property to create surrogate keys on tables in dedicated SQL pool

What is a surrogate key

A surrogate key on a table is a column with a unique identifier for each row. The key is not generated from the table data

Creating a table with an IDENTITY column

The IDENTITY property is designed to scale out across all the distributions in the dedicated SQL pool without affecting load performance. Therefore

Explicitly inserting values into an IDENTITY column

Dedicated SQL pool supports SET IDENTITY_INSERT <your table> ON|OFF syntax. You can use this syntax to explicitly insert values into the IDENTITY column

Loading data

The presence of the IDENTITY property has some implications to your data-loading code

System views

You can use the sys.identity_columns catalog view to identify a column that has the IDENTITY property


The IDENTITY property can't be used: •When the column data type is not INT or BIGINT •When the column is also the

Common tasks

Find the highest allocated value for a table Use the MAX() function to determine the highest value allocated for a distributed

Next steps

•Table overview •CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL) IDENTITY

How do I store a surrogate key?

Create a watermark table to store the latest surrogate key for dimensions

Initially, this table will have zero key values for each dimension

Calculate globally unique keys by combining the latest watermark keys with the dynamically generated sequential numbers from the source data

What is a surrogate key in data warehouse?

When working with tables in data warehouse environments, it is fairly common to come across a situation in which you need to generate surrogate keys

A surrogate key is a system-generated identifier that uniquely identifies a record within a table

Why do we need to use surrogate keys?


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