Data warehouse research paper

  • How to do a data warehouse project?

    How to build a data warehouse in 7 steps:

    1. Elicit goals
    2. Conceptualize and select the platform
    3. Create a business case and develop a project roadmap
    4. Analyze the system and design the data warehouse architecture
    5. Develop and stabilize the system
    6. Launch the solution
    7. Ensure after-launch support

  • A data warehouse is a centralized storage system that allows for the storing, analyzing, and interpreting of data in order to facilitate better decision-making.
    Transactional systems, relational databases, and other sources provide data into data warehouses on a regular basis.
  • Data warehouses often require data to be pre-processed and structured, limiting the flexibility of ad hoc analysis.
    Data lakes are well-suited for data science and machine learning projects because they offer the raw, diverse data needed for model training and experimentation.
Though a lot has been written about how a data warehouse should be designed, there is no consensus on a design method yet. This paper follows from a wide discusĀ 


Data warehouse real time example
Data warehouse reporting
Data warehouse reporting tools
Data warehousing security
Data warehousing services in aws
Data warehousing semantic layer
Data warehouse server
Data warehouse services
Data warehouse security best practices
Data warehouse semantic layer example
Data warehouse service providers
Data warehouse setup
Data warehouse service point
Data warehouse service in azure
Data warehouse server requirements
Data warehousing technologies
Data warehousing team
Data warehousing terms
Data warehousing team/project implementation
Data warehousing technical skills