Programming database name

  • How do I name my database?

    The name of the database or archive is written in italic title case in the source element, the same as a periodical title, and followed by a period..

  • How do you indicate the name of a database?

    Rule 1a (Singular Names) - Table names should be singular, for example, "Customer" instead of "Customers".
    This rule is applicable because tables are patterns for storing an entity as a record – they are analogous to Classes serving up class instances..

  • How should database tables be named?

    Database names can use any character that is allowed in a directory name except for a period, a backward slash (\\), or a forward slash (/).
    By default, MySQL encloses column names and table names in quotation marks.
    Table names can use any character that is allowed in a file name except for a period or a forward slash..

  • What is a database name?

    The database name is the name of the database and the username is the name of the user that is connected to the database. e.g.
    John Smith could connect to a database called Database1.
    Database1 would be the database name and John Smith would be the username..

  • What is a database programmer called?

    Database developers, also known as database designers or database programmers, are responsible for the design, programming, construction, and implementation of new databases, as well as modifying existing databases for platform updates and changes in user needs..

Mar 2, 2021Use underscore_names instead of CamelCaseTable names should be pluralSpell out id fields ( item_id instead of id )Don't use ambiguous 
MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, MariaDB, IBM Db2. Databases are the cornerstone of any Software Applications.
PostgreSQLRDBMSCMongoDBDocument-oriented databaseC++, JavaScript and PythonRedisKey-value databaseCIBM DB2RDBMSAssembly, C, C++ and Java10 popular database management systems (DBMS) [List] - › blog › popular-database-management-systemsAbout Featured Snippets


Database naming conventions, despite SQL having been around for decades, are ad hoc. When moving from project to project

Tables Names

CamelCase vs underscore_name Let's get this out of the way quickly

Column Names

Don't name the primary key column id This is a sin I've been guilty of for years. When working with a client in Paris


Naming standards are important because it helps keep your code consistent and predictable

How do I use a name in a database?

For example, you can use names with all capital letters for tables and upper/lower case for columns

This will make it easier to identify objects in database diagrams as well as in SQL statements and other database tools

How to name a database in a professional environment?

When naming databases in a professional environment it mainly depends on what kind of application or website will the database belong to

Suppose you are creating a database for an application XYZ, for a company ABC, then the database would be named ABC_XYZ

What is the best name for a database object?

The ideal name for any database object should strike the optimal balance between synthesis and self-explanation

Ideally, each name should contain an explanation of what it represents in the real world and also be able to be synthesized in one word


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