Database programming section 10 quiz

  • Which operator can be used with a multiple-row subquery?

    Multiple-row subqueries return more than one row of results.
    Operators that can be used with multiple-row subqueries include IN, ALL, ANY, and EXISTS..

  • Which operator can be used with subqueries that return only one row?

    The operators that can be used with single-row subqueires are =, \x26gt;, \x26gt;=, \x26lt;, \x26lt;=, and \x26lt;\x26gt;.
    Group functions can be used in the subquery.
    For example, the following statement retrieve the details of the employee holding the highest salary..

  • Which operator or keyword Cannot be used with a multiple-row subquery?

    A multiple-row subquery returns more than one row of data.
    The operators used in a single-row subqueries relational operators (=, \x26lt;\x26gt;, \x26gt;, \x26gt;=, \x26lt;, \x26lt;=) cannot be used in multiple-row subqueries.
    Instead, other operators must be used.
    True if the value does not equal any value in the table..

  • Both the inner and outer queries must return a value, or an error occurs.
    WHERE team_id \x26gt; 300 AND salary_cap \x26gt; 400000); What would happen if the inner query returned a NULL value? A syntax error in the outer query would be returned.Jan 14, 2017


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