Visual basic database programming examples

  • How do you create a database in Visual Basic?

    Create a new Visual Basic .
    NET Windows Application project.
    Form1 is added to the project by default.
    Place a Command button on Form1, and change its Name property to btnCreateDatabase and its Text property to Create Database ..

  • How does Visual Basic handle database programming?

    Using data controls and data-bound controls is the easiest way to work with data in databases in Visual Basic, because the programming is mostly handled for you.
    The process goes like this: You simply add the data control you want to a Visual Basic form, then connect that data control to a database..

  • Is Visual Basic Dead?

    Along with C# and F#, it is one of the three main languages targeting the .
    NET ecosystem.
    Microsoft updated its VB language strategy on 6 February 2023, stating that VB is a stable language now and Microsoft will keep maintaining it..

  • What are the examples of databases supported by Visual Basic program?

    Visual Basic provides the capability to effectively manage databases created with various database programs, including MS Access, Oracle, MySQL, and more.
    In this lesson, our focus is not on database file creation, but rather on accessing database files within the VB environment.Aug 11, 2023.

  • What is Visual Basic with example?

    Visual Basic is an event-driven language.
    So, when you talk about events, we're talking about things that happen in the program which cause little events to occur (similar idea to IRQ stuff you learned hopefully in 455).
    An example of this could be clicking a button causing a button_click event to be generated..

  • Use the SqlConnection object to open SQL Server connection

    1. To set up the connection string of the SqlConnection object, add the following code to the Form1_Load event procedure: VB Copy
    2. To set up the Command object, which contains the SQL query, add the following code to the Form1_Load event procedure: VB Copy
  • Visual Studio opens your new project.

    1. Open Visual Studio
    2. On the start window, choose Create a new project
    3. In the Create a new project window, choose Visual Basic from the Language list
    4. In the Configure your new project window, enter WhatIsYourName in the Project name box
    5. In the Additional information window,
Aug 11, 2023Visual Basic provides the capability to effectively manage databases created with various database programs, including MS Access, Oracle, MySQL, 

What are the different types of database programming techniques?

Both fundamental and advanced database programming techniques are cov- ered for the convenience of both beginning students and experienced pro- grammers.
Three types of popular databases are covered and discussed in detail with practical sample examples:

  1. Microsoft Access
  2. SQL Server 2005
  3. Oracle Database 10g XE


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