Database antipatterns

  • Are stored procedures an antipattern?

    A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that is stored on the database server and is available to be executed by name.
    Stored procedures are the cause of “religious wars” in the world of relational databases where some DB users live and die by them and other DB users consider them an anti-pattern..

  • What are Antipatterns in programming?

    In software, anti-pattern is a term that describes how NOT to solve recurring problems in your code.
    Anti-patterns are considered bad software design, and are usually ineffective or obscure fixes.
    They generally also add "technical debt" - which is code you have to come back and fix properly later..

  • What are SQL Antipatterns?

    Antipatterns is a logical database design.
    It's possible to store data in a varchar field instead of creating an intersection table.
    Using a primary key that is not the appropriate primary key for this table.
    Mixing data with metadata with a data value with a metadata identifier is difficult.Sep 6, 2022.

  • What is an anti-pattern SQL Server?

    An anti-pattern in this case is some code that the SQL Server optimizer can't do a great job optimizing the code (but cannot correct the issue automatically).
    This is a very interesting possibility: Including this event in a session allow us to identify potential problems in applications..

  • What is the function of the anti-pattern?

    This anti-pattern refers to functions that receive options (typically as a keyword list parameter) that drastically change their return type.
    Because options are optional and sometimes set dynamically, if they also change the return type, it may be hard to understand what the function actually returns..

  • What is the summary of SQL Antipatterns?

    SQL Antipatterns explains common mistakes in database design, plus a few application design errors that lead to database problems.
    Readers will get the most from this book when they've personally made the mistake or at least experienced the consequences..

  • A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that is stored on the database server and is available to be executed by name.
    Stored procedures are the cause of “religious wars” in the world of relational databases where some DB users live and die by them and other DB users consider them an anti-pattern.
  • In software, anti-pattern is a term that describes how NOT to solve recurring problems in your code.
    Anti-patterns are considered bad software design, and are usually ineffective or obscure fixes.
    They generally also add "technical debt" - which is code you have to come back and fix properly later.
Antipatterns is a logical database design. It's possible to store data in a varchar field instead of creating an intersection table. Using a primary key that is not the appropriate primary key for this table. Mixing data with metadata with a data value with a metadata identifier is difficult.
Antipatterns is a logical database design. It's possible to store data in a varchar field instead of creating an intersection table. Using a primary key that is not the appropriate primary key for this table. Mixing data with metadata with a data value with a metadata identifier is difficult.

What is an example of an antipattern?


  1. For example
  2. by appending the year onto the base table name
  3. we’ve combined a data value with a metadata identifier

This is the reverse of mixing data with metadata from the Entity-Attribute-Value and Polymorphic Associations antipatterns.
In those cases, we stored metadata identifiers (a column name and table name) as string data.

What is an extraneous fetching antipattern?

In an extraneous fetching antipattern, more than needed data is retrieved for a business operation, often resulting in unnecessary I/O overhead and reduced responsiveness.
This antipattern can occur if the application tries to minimize I/O requests by retrieving all of the data that it might need.


What is chatty I/O antipattern?

This antipattern can occur if the application tries to minimize I/O requests by retrieving all of the data that it might need.
This is often a result of overcompensating for the Chatty I/O antipattern.
For example, an application might fetch the details for every product in a database.


What is SQL antipatterns?

Now you can stamp out these common database errors once and for all.
Whatever platform or programming language you use, whether you’re a junior programmer or a Ph.D., SQL Antipatterns will show you how to design and build databases, how to write better database queries, and how to integrate SQL programming with your application like an expert.


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