Database design freecodecamp

  • How is a database designed?

    A good database design is, therefore, one that: Divides your information into subject-based tables to reduce redundant data.
    Provides Access with the information it requires to join the information in the tables together as needed.
    Helps support and ensure the accuracy and integrity of your information..

  • How to learn DB design?

    The design process consists of the following steps:

    1. Determine the purpose of your database
    2. Find and organize the information required
    3. Divide the information into tables
    4. Turn information items into columns
    5. Specify primary keys
    6. Set up the table relationships
    7. Refine your design
    8. Apply the normalization rules

  • What are the 4 types of database models?

    Types of database models
    Relational model.
    Network model.
    Object-oriented database model.
    Entity-relationship model..

  • What you'll learn

    1. Understand concepts of Database from very basic level
    2. Install SQL Server Database and Management Studio
    3. Create SQL Server Instances
    4. Learn about available data types
    5. Concept of primary keys, foreign keys and composite keys
    6. Creating relations between tables
    7. Create Relation Through Diagram (ERD)
  • When you're ready to design your database, keep these best practices in mind.

    1. Keep it simple.
    2. As you design, think about your users.
    3. Normalize your data
    4. Consider the running conditions
    5. Collaborate more—bring the devs and DBAs together
    6. Model your data and look for the right fit for your needs
Aug 31, 2018This database design course will give you a deeper grasp of database design. Caleb Curry teaches the equivalent of an entire college course 

How do I rebuild a freeCodeCamp database?

There's quite a few options there.
Enter pg_dump --clean --create --inserts --username=freecodecamp students > students.sql in the terminal to dump the database into a students.sql file.
It will save all the commands needed to rebuild it.


What can I learn in a free CodeCamp YouTube course?

In this freeCodeCamp YouTube course, Mike Dane will teach you the basics of SQL.
You will learn about creating tables, inserting data, wildcards, unions, joins and more.
In this course, you will learn how to install MySQL on your Mac or Windows computer.
You will also practice your SQL skills by building a company database and an ER diagram.


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