Decision making xkcd

  • What did Randall Munroe do at NASA?

    In 2005, he had landed an internship at NASA Langley Research Center.
    He ended up working there in 2006, too, focusing on robotic navigation until his contract ran out..

  • What is a flowchart in xkcd?

    Flowcharts are a recurring theme in xkcd.
    In this comic, Randall uses the fact that flowcharts can indeed be used to show a loop in the procedure: in this case, the reader will theoretically become trapped in a loop of reading the text in the diamond, following the line marked "YES," and ending back up in the diamond..

  • What is the 99.1 rule in xkcd?


    1. If friends spend more than 60 minutes unable to decide what to do, they must default to sexual experimentation
    2. .]]

  • What is the password theory of Xkcd?

    xkcd's password generation scheme requires the user to have a list of 2048 common words (log2(2048) = 11).
    For any attack we must assume that the attacker knows our password generation algorithm, but not the exact password..

  • What is xkcd stand for?

    What does XKCD stand for? It's not actually an acronym.
    It's just a word with no phonetic pronunciation -- a treasured and carefully-guarded point in the space of four-character strings..

  • According to the xkcd FAQ and Randall Munroe himself, the name "xkcd" doesn't stand for anything.
    In a Google speech, he said that it originated as a previously unused random four-letter string which he used as his username on various internet services.
    See also 207: What xkcd Means.


This comic illustrates a common problem in the internet era where, with the wealth of knowledge available to us at all times, one puts undue weight on otherwise arbitrary decisions.
This is taken to a comedic extreme by showing how Cueball is unable to make a critical, time-sensitive choice without putting hours of research in to justify it.
Any be.


How does xkcd support Munroe and Radtke?

By 2008, xkcd was able to financially support Munroe and Radtke "reasonably well" through the sale of multiple thousand T-shirts per month.
On September 19, 2012, "Click and Drag" was published, which featured a panel which can be explored via clicking and dragging its insides.


Is xkcd the new hotness?

This put xkcd at number two on the Syracuse Post-Standard 's "The new hotness" list.
By 2008, xkcd was able to financially support Munroe and Radtke "reasonably well" through the sale of multiple thousand T-shirts per month.



[Megan and Cueball are standing near two sport cars.
Megan points excitedly at the cars while Cueball looks at his smartphone.]


What is xkcd explained?

XKCD is a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language created by Randall Munroe.
Randall is famous for getting inside people's heads, but unless you're in his, there will always be times when you just don't get it.
And for those times, there's xkcd Explained.
Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.


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