Ethical decision making exercises

  • How do you practice ethical decision-making?

    Norman and I shaped our thinking around what we called The Five P's of Ethical Power: purpose, pride, patience, persistence and perspective..

  • What are ethical decision-making practices?

    Ethical decision-making is based on core character values like trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.
    Ethical decisions generate ethical behaviors and provide a foundation for good business practices.
    See a model for making ethical decisions..

  • What are some examples of ethical decisions?

    Ethics, for example, refers to standards that impose the reasonable obligations to avoid rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, and fraud.
    Such standards are adequate because they are supported by consistent and well-founded reasons.
    Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one's ethical standards..

  • What are the 5 P's of ethical decision-making?

    says that when choosing one ethical action over another, we should select the one that does the most good and least harm.
    For example, if the cashier at the grocery store gives me too much change, I may ask myself, if I keep the change, what harm is caused? If I keep it, is any good created?.

  • What is an example of ethics decision-making?

    Legal responsibilities

    Identify the problem. #2.
    Apply the code of ethics. #3.
    Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma. #4.
    Generate potential courses of action. #5.
    Consider the potential consequences of all options and determine a course of action. #6.
    Evaluate the selected course of action. #7..

  • What is ethical decision-making at work examples?

    Ethical business decision examples

    Paying fair wages. Committing to sustainability. Encouraging employee education. Support animal welfare. Donating a portion of your profits. Having reasonable return and refund policies. Employing minorities. Respecting customer information..

  • Ethical exercises are a way to educate staff on what your particular company considers acceptable and what it does not.
The purpose of this card exercise is to encourage students to make decisions in given situations and to evaluate the decisions' ethical dimensions from the 

Six Ethical Lenses

If our ethical decision-making is not solely based on feelings, religion, law, accepted social practice, or science, then on what basis can we decide between right and wrong, good and bad.
Many philosophers, ethicists, and theologians have helped us answer this critical question.
They have suggested a variety of different lenses that help us percei.


What Is Ethics?

Ethics refers to standards and practices that tell us how human beings ought to act in the many situations in which they find themselves—as friends, parents, children, citizens, businesspeople, professionals, and so on.
Ethics is also concerned with our character.
It requires knowledge, skills, and habits.
It is helpful to identify what ethics is N.


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