Sequential decision making why

  • What is a sequential problem?

    In sequential decision problems the utility of agent's actions do not depend on single decisions, expressed with the state, which the agent would have gotten into, as the result of this decision, but rather on the whole sequence of agent's action..

  • What is an example of a sequential decision problem?

    A problem which interacts with an external entity that changes its behavior based on a decision is sequential in nature.
    Other examples include things like optimally managing a stock portfolio, searching for an evading opponent, optimally playing a card game..

  • What is sequential decision problems?

    In sequential decision problems the utility of agent's actions do not depend on single decisions, expressed with the state, which the agent would have gotten into, as the result of this decision, but rather on the whole sequence of agent's action..

  • What is the sequential model of policy making?

    The Stage-Sequential model of policy making is a process characterized by four stages: (1) policy agenda setting, (2) policy formulation, (3) program implementation, and (4) policy evaluation.
    Each stage is most useful in identifying times and places where different tactics for influencing policy come into play..

  • Why is sequential decision making important?

    In artificial intelligence, sequential decision making refers to algorithms that take the dynamics of the world into consideration, thus delaying parts of the problem until it must be solved.
    It can be described as a procedural approach to decision-making, or as a step by step decision theory..

  • Why is the decision-making process important?

    Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.
    This approach increases the chances that you will choose the most satisfying alternative possible..

  • The Stage-Sequential model of policy making is a process characterized by four stages: (1) policy agenda setting, (2) policy formulation, (3) program implementation, and (4) policy evaluation.
    Each stage is most useful in identifying times and places where different tactics for influencing policy come into play.
Sequential decision making describes a situation where the decision maker (DM) makes successive observations of a process before a final decision is made. In most sequential decision problems there is an implicit or explicit cost associated with each observation.
The objective in sequential decision making is to find a stopping rule that optimizes the decision in terms of minimizing losses or maximizing gains, including observation costs.

Can sequential decision analytics be taught at optimal dynamics?

I then briefly illustrate how these ideas are used at Optimal Dynamics.
Click here for slides to Part II.
I believe that sequential decision analytics is a field that should be taught alongside courses in optimization and machine learning.
This can be done in several ways:.


Designing Policies

We are going to search over policies by standing on the shoulders of the entire body of research in the jungle.
However, rather than say something useless like “try everything in all those books,” we are going to observe that every approach can be divided into two broad classes (the policy search class, and the lookahead class), each of which can b.


How do you solve a sequential decision problem?

There are four phases to addressing real-world sequential decision problems:

  1. Phase I:
  2. Identifying the core elements of the problem (without mathematics):
  3. Performance metrics – Costs
  4. profits
  5. yield
  6. productivity
  7. customer service
  8. employee performance
  9. … Decisions – What types of decisions are being made
  10. who makes them


Sequential decision analytics is an umbrella for a vast range of problems that consist of the sequence: decision, information, decision, information, decision, information, … Our standard model will extend over a finite horizon, but other settings might have just one decision (decision, information, stop), two decisions (decision, information, deci.


Introductory Tutorial

For an introduction to the unified framework: I revised and re-recorded a tutorial on the unified framework that I gave at the Kellogg School of Business at Northwestern (February 2020).
It is now on youtube in two parts: 1. 1.1.
Part I – Describes applications, the universal modeling framework, and introduces the four classes of policies for makin.


Modeling Sequential Decision Problems

To understand how we are going to model sequential decision problems, it helps to take a brief tour through two other major problem classes: deterministic optimization and machine learning.
We are then going to argue that our approach to stochastic optimization closely parallels the approaches these fields use.


Teaching Sequential Decision Analytics

I believe that sequential decision analytics is a field that should be taught alongside courses in optimization and machine learning.
This can be done in several ways: An undergraduate course – I taught a course at Princeton spanning a wide range of applications, using a teach by example style.
Lecture notes and an online book are available here.


The Classes of Policies and The Jungle

Each of the communities in stochastic optimization started with one algorithmic strategy, often motivated by a small class of applications that fit the method.
However, as time has passed and the communities have grown, so have the range of problem classes they are working on.
Then, as the characteristics of the problems have evolved, the communiti.


Tuning Policies

While the academic research community has focused most of their attention on policies in the lookahead class, the real world has primarily been using policies in the policy search class (with some use of deterministic DLAs, but these can be parameterized as well).
Policy search policies are simpler, which suggests they are somehow less interesting,.


What is a stopping rule in sequential decision making?

The procedure to decide when to stop taking observations and when to continue is called the ‘stopping rule.’ The objective in sequential decision making is to find a stopping rule that optimizes the decision in terms of minimizing losses or maximizing gains, including:

  1. observation costs

What is sequential decision making?

Diederich, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001 Sequential decision making describes a situation where the decision maker (DM) makes successive observations of a process before a final decision is made.
In most sequential decision problems there is an implicit or explicit cost associated with each observation.


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Why decision making is better
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How decision making is important in life
How decision making in organization
How decision making techniques
How decision making styles
How decision making and analysis
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