About decision making quotes

  • What is a famous quote about choices?

    “Life is about choices.
    Some we regret, some we're proud of.
    Some will haunt us forever.
    The message: we are what we chose to be.” —Graham Brown..

  • Decisiveness is the one word that makes a good manager.
    The one word that makes a good manager - decisiveness.
    The world is now aware that the most unavoidable and most dangerous weapon that exists is the blind decisiveness of a man ready to sacrifice his life for an obscure cause.


About decision making approach
Decision making over pricing products and services
Decision making position
Decision making explained
Decision making at the right level
Decision making across cultures
Decision making across the lifespan
Decision-making across scales
Decision making through operations research
Decision making around epics
Decision making through bargaining
Decision making through consensus
Decision making through simulation
Decision making through information systems
Decision making around
Decision making through dialogue
Decision making around meaning
Decision making throughout the organization
Decision making through analysis
Decision making after stroke