Decision making antibiotics

  • How do I choose the right antibiotic?

    Empiric antibiotic selection should be guided by the source of infection and the most likely pathogens.
    Consider patient-specific factors such as immunocompromising conditions, exposures, and whether the infection is hospital or community-acquired.
    Familiarize yourself with local susceptibility patterns..

  • How do I choose the right antibiotic?

    Selecting an Antibiotic
    Each antibiotic is effective only against certain types of bacteria.
    In selecting an antibiotic to treat a person with an infection, doctors evaluate which bacteria are likely to be the cause.
    For example, some infections are caused only by certain types of bacteria..

  • What factors do we consider when choosing an antibiotic?

    Selecting an Antibiotic
    Each antibiotic is effective only against certain types of bacteria.
    In selecting an antibiotic to treat a person with an infection, doctors evaluate which bacteria are likely to be the cause.
    For example, some infections are caused only by certain types of bacteria..

  • What factors to consider when choosing antibiotics?

    prescribe the right antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal for the patient - consider age, medical conditions, pregnancy, or long-term care resident. choose the right dose, duration, and route for the condition you are treating. cause the least amount of harm for the patient - consider drug interactions, allergy and .

  • What factors to consider when choosing antibiotics?

    Various factors go into clinical decision making when a physician prescribes a medication.
    These decisions include determining susceptibility, dosing regimens, and considering external factors such as age-related effects and routes of administration..

Four Moments of Antibiotic Decision Making
  • Moment 1: Does my patient have an infection that requires antibiotics?
  • Moment 2: Have I ordered appropriate cultures before starting antibiotics?
  • Moment 3: A day or more has passed.
  • Moment 4: What duration of antibiotic therapy is needed for my patient's diagnosis?

Should antibiotic stewardship programs be used every time antibiotic therapy is considered?

An organized approach such as:

  1. the 4 moments of antibiotic decision making could be helpful if used every time antibiotic therapy is considered
Antibiotic stewardship programscan then help ensure that clinicians and prescribers are equipped with the necessary information to guide appropriate, evidence-based decisions during each moment of care.

What are the four moments of antibiotic decision making?

The Four Moments of Antibiotic Decision Making are the critical time periods of antibiotic decision making.
Clinicians are encouraged to use the Four Moments framework for all patients receiving antibiotics and whenever the need for antibiotics is being considered.
Moment 1:

  1. Does my patient have an infection that requires antibiotics?

What factors influence antibiotic prescribing decisions?


  1. The analysis resulted in the identification of six categories of factors that can influence the antibiotic prescribing decision:
  2. the clinical situation
  3. advance care plans
  4. utilization of diagnostic resources
  5. physicians' perceived risks
  6. influence of others
  7. influence of the environment

What is antibiotic selection & clinical decision making?


  1. antibiotic selection; clinical decision making

In order to prescribe an antibiotic, a physician must go through a series of decision-making processes that involve both the drug and the host.
In this review article, we outline exactly what those decision-making processes are and some of their limitations.


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