Decision making during menopause

  • Can menopause cause inability to make decisions?

    In my clinical practice I commonly encounter women who experience an increase in anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, tearfulness and the development of low mood in the menopause.
    They describe feelings such as loss of confidence, inability to make decisions, reduced ability to cope with stress, anger and insecurity..

  • Does menopausal brain fog go away?

    What helps with brain fog during menopause? The good news is that brain fog associated with menopause is temporary.
    Here are tips from Jean Hailes for Women's Health to help combat brain fog.
    Exercise regularly..

  • Does menopause affect decision making?

    In perimenopause and the early stages of menopause, women describe changes in their ability to think clearly, make decisions and function well mentally.
    Some describe this as “brain fog”.
    They may experience difficulty assimilating and making use of new information.Oct 9, 2021.

  • How do you feel good during menopause?

    10 Menopause Care Tips

    1. Consider Hormone Therapy (HT) Hormone therapy is one way that many women take care of themselves during menopause
    2. Talk to Your Doctor About Health Risks
    3. Invest in a Portable Fan
    4. Use Cotton and Linen
    5. Wear Layers
    6. Lubricate and Moisturize
    7. Stay Connected With Friends
    8. Stay Hydrated

  • What are the psychological changes during menopause?

    Changes in your hormones during menopause can impact your mental health as well as your physical health.
    You may experience feelings of anxiety, stress or even depression.
    Menopausal symptoms may include: anger and irritability..

  • What not to do during menopause?

    avoid or reduce potential triggers, such as spicy food, caffeine, hot drinks, smoking and alcohol..

  • It's time to give yourself an MOT and find your spark again.

    2. Yeah, yeah, yeah – everyone's always banging on about 'me time', but you just don't have any daylight in your diary.
  • Heavy bleeding.
    Brain fog (memory problems, confusion, indecisiveness) Mood changes and irritability.
  • Relaxation and stress-reduction techniques, including deep-breathing exercises and massage, a healthy lifestyle (good nutrition and daily exercise), and enjoyable, self-nurturing activities may all be helpful.
    Some women try to treat their menopause symptoms with over-the-counter products such as St.
Sep 4, 2020Many women describe changes to their memory, concentration and decision-making abilities during menopause (brain fog). Decision making 
In perimenopause and the early stages of menopause, women describe changes in their ability to think clearly, make decisions and function well mentally. Some describe this as “brain fog”. They may experience difficulty assimilating and making use of new information.

Breast Cancer and HRT – A Couple of Important Points

The additional risk of breast cancer from HRT, only applies to ‘combined HRT,’ that is women who take both hormones – oestrogen and progesterone.
If you have had a hysterectomy and hence, can take oestrogen-only HRT, this does not increase your risk of breast cancer.
It may actually reduce it.
The increased risk of breast cancer in women who use HR.


Can menopause cause depression?

Your body goes through a lot of changes during menopause.
There are extreme shifts in your hormone levels, you may not sleep well because of hot flashes and you may experience mood swings.
Anxiety and fear could also be at play during this time.
If you experience any of the symptoms of depression, talk to your healthcare provider.


Decision-Making About Health Care Choices

There are various psychological models about the best decision-making processes, but all of them suggest a step-wise approach.
For example:


Does menopausal transition cause cognitive decline in middle-aged women?

Depression and other affective symptoms, such as:

  1. anxiety
  2. sleep disturbances
  3. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  4. may exacerbate cognitive decline due to the menopausal transition
  5. causing MCI in middle-aged women

Don’T Confuse HRT with The Pill

Don’t confuse HRT with the combined contraceptive pill.
They are totally different products and the rules for prescribing each are very different.
HRT is just that – ‘hormone replacement’ – providing a low dose, natural (not synthetic) oestrogen, to replace the oestrogen your ovaries are no longer making.


Emotional Intelligence

We all have differing degrees of emotional intelligence(EQ) – this is a separate entity to our general level of intelligence (IQ).
This can affect the whole process of making a decision.
Emotional intelligence is described as the ability to recognise your own emotions, and understand the emotions of others, in order to adjust your behaviour accordi.


Factors Affecting Decision-Making and Taking HRT

The outcome of the decision will be affected by ‘unconscious bias.’ Examples and how these might affect the decision to take HRT, include:.
1) Repetition bias – The tendency to believe what you are told the most often.
In recent years there have been a lot of damaging, and frankly fake news reports, about the dangers of HRT.
The belief that HRT is d.


HRT Is A safe, Effective Treatment For Menopause

Here’s the good news! – HRT is indeed a safe and effective treatment. Menopause experts and statisticians have now carefully reanalysed these studies, reviewed the up-to-date medical evidence and come to this robust and reassuring conclusion.
These experts include the British Menopause Society, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists .


The Menopause Struggle

If you are living through your own menopause experience right now, you may feel you are between a rock and a hard place.
Many women and those with wombs have such a terrible experience at menopause, they feel like their whole lives are falling apart.
Lack of sleep, hot flashes, mental fatigue, mood swings/irritability, vaginal dryness, low libido a.


The Psychology of Decision-Making

Small decisions are easy to make.
We make lots of these every day.
However, more important decisions, which have bigger consequences, are a lot harder.
For example, if you are thinking of buying a house, and/or taking out a mortgage, you probably visited lots of properties, considered the pros and cons, imagined the ‘what-if’s’’ and then took finan.


Understanding Risk

One important point about decision-making, is to understand the concept of risk.
Specifically, the difference between relative and absolute risk.
The media twist statistics to create shocking headlines and sell news.
Understanding risk is very difficult, and we may not really get to grips with what we are being told.
Perhaps we lack confidence, fee.


What happens after menopause?


  1. This is the name given to the time after you haven’t had a period for an entire year (or the rest of your life after menopause)

During this stage, menopausal symptoms, such as:hot flashes, may get better.
However, some people continue to experience menopausal symptoms for a decade or longer after the menopause transition.

What is induced menopause?

This is known as induced or artificial menopause.
The symptoms of induced menopause are usually similar to those of natural menopause.
The start of the menopausal transition can be so subtle that some women don't notice any changes at all.


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Decision making exception
Decision-making styles except
Taking decisions or making decisions
What are the different decision making decisions
Decision making without emotion
Decision making without information
Decision making without data
Decision making without bias
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Decision making without consultation
Decision making without planning
Making decision without thinking
Making decision without thought
Decision making which of the following
Follow up in decision making process
What are the 5 stages of decision making
What are the decision making processes
What are the 4 types of decision making
Making decisions from fear