Decision making as a christian

  • How does a Christian make a decision?

    We should pray for God's guidance and study the Bible to see what it says about the decision we are facing.
    Many helpful principles are presented in the book of Proverbs, for example; it's a book designed to teach us prudence and understanding and the wisdom to make good decisions (Proverbs 1:1-4)..

  • How to make hard decisions as a Christian?

    How to Make Tough Decisions: 10 Practical Tips from Scripture

    1. Pray
    2. . “Pray without ceasing.” ( .
    3. Obey Scripture
    4. . “Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.” ( .
    5. Count the Cost
    6. Put First Things First
    7. Walk in Holiness
    8. Seek Counseling
    9. Glorify God
    10. Remember what God has already asked you to do

  • What are the 7 C's of decision-making?

    This booklet discusses seven means God uses to guide us in our decision making: Communication, Convictions, Common Sense, Composition, Counsel, Circumstances and Control..

  • The Holy Spirit guides us through a variety of life circumstances, including decision-making.
    The Spirit's leading helps us make choices that are consistent with God's Word, especially when the Bible does not address the issue specifically or directly.
    Learning to discern the voice of the Spirit is a process.

How can Christians make God-honoring decisions?

Decision-making can be a daunting task for anyone, but Christians have the unique advantage of making decisions that are informed by God's Word.
To do so, there are at least three factors to consider.
First, you must obey the moral will of God as it is revealed in Scripture.


What is biblical decision making?

Biblical decision making begins with a willingness to submit our intentions to God's perfect will and humbly follow his direction.
The problem is most of us don't know how to figure out God's will in every decision we face—especially the big, life-altering decisions.
This step-by-step plan lays out a spiritual road map for biblical decision making.


Why is it important to rely on God to make decisions?

Scripture is clear that we perceive dimly ( 1 Corinthians 13:12) but God sees the whole picture.
That’s why it’s vital to rely upon His wisdom, truth, and direction in making decisions.
We’re less likely to regret our decisions when we consult the Holy Spirit within us and the Word of God.


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