Decision making under uncertainty attitude towards risk

  • What is decision making under risk of uncertainty?

    Decision-making in the presence of risk and uncertainties is always challenging.
    Decision makers would like to evaluate the risks prior to their decisions to understand the ranges of possible outcomes and the significances of unintended consequences..

  • What is decision making under uncertainty and risk situation?

    But decision making under both conditions of uncertainty and risk are distinguishable.
    In making decisions under risk, you can predict the possibility of a future outcome.
    But when making decisions under uncertainty, you cannot.
    Risks can be managed while uncertainty is uncontrollable..

  • What is decision making under uncertainty approaches?

    Such uncertainties can be best captured with probabilistic approaches.
    Decision-making under uncertainty requires the understanding of the underlying uncertainties and assumptions within the probabilistic models or the data..

  • What is the attitude toward risk and uncertainty?

    The risk attitude describes people's perceptions of uncertainties when making a decision.
    There are three major risk attitudes: risk aversion, risk seeking, and risk neutrality..

  • What is the risk attitude in decision making?

    Risk attitude can affect the quality of decision outcomes in several ways.
    First, it can affect the selection of alternatives and criteria.
    A risk-averse person may prefer a safe option with a lower expected value, while a risk-seeking person may prefer a risky option with a higher expected value..

  • Risk attitude can affect the quality of decision outcomes in several ways.
    First, it can affect the selection of alternatives and criteria.
    A risk-averse person may prefer a safe option with a lower expected value, while a risk-seeking person may prefer a risky option with a higher expected value.
  • Risk Versus Uncertainty.
    Risk, as it is generally understood by health and safety risk analysts, measures the probability and severity of loss or injury.
    Uncertainty , on the other hand, refers to a lack of definite knowledge, a lack of sureness; doubt is its closest synonym.
    At times, these terms are confused.
Decision making under uncertainty refers to the process of making choices when the outcomes are uncertain or unknown. Attitudes towards risk can vary among individuals, and different people may exhibit different approaches to decision making under uncertainty.
Ultimately, the attitude towards risk in decision making under uncertainty is influenced by a combination of personal traits, past experiences, cultural factors, and the perceived importance of the decision.

Author Contributions

KDG conceived the study, performed the literature review, and wrote down the background of the review and its results.
RT participated in the design of the search and revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content.
Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.


Do uncertainty and risk influence behavioral tendency?

Finally, uncertainty and risk in the items appeared to influence behavioral tendency significantly via emotional responses to the items.
This research highlights the need for researchers to more adequately control for different sources of variability when measuring the desired construct of attitude toward risk.
Table S1.
Supplementary Materials.


Findings from Economics

Behavioural economic literature has supported the validity of the U/R distinction by showing that individuals are less sensitive to likelihood information in the case of uncertainty compared to risk: likelihood insensitivity decreases with more information (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979; Kahn and Sarin, 1988; Kilka and Weber, 2001; Abdellaoui et al., .


Findings from Neurobiology

Extending the psychological literature, several studies from the field of neurobiology indicate that risk and uncertainty are differentially coded in the brain.
Currently, 2 hypotheses exist outlining how dealing with uncertainty versus risk differs neurobiologically (Schultz et al., 2008).
First, both situations may recruit different brain systems.


Findings from Psychology

Next to behavioural economic literature, psychological literature also supports the empirical distinction between uncertainty and risk.
Buckert et al. (2014), for example, show that the cortisol response to stress impacts decision-making under risk, but not under uncertainty.
In addition, several studies show how risk and uncertainty are differenti.



KDG was supported by an NWO Research Talent grant (406.17.505).
In addition, this research received financial support from the French National Research Agency through the programme ‘Investments for the Future’ under reference number ANR-10-LabX-11-01 (Labex Entrepreneurship).



Many studies claim to examine decision-making under risk, using a broad range of measures to indicate an individual’s level of risk-taking.
Well-known examples of these measures include the Domain-Specific Risk-Taking (DOSPERT, Blais and Weber, 2006) scale, a self-report measure, and the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART, Lejuez et al., 2002), a beh.


The DOSPERT Scale and Bart

The discussed behavioural economic, psychological, and neurobiological studies demonstrate how uncertainty and risk differ not only on a theoretical basis, but also empirically.
This emphasises the need to properly distinguish between the 2 concepts in research.
However, as discussed, 2 paradigms that claim to measure decision-making under risk in .


The Theory Behind Decision-Making Under Uncertainty Versus Risk

In economics, the distinction between uncertainty and risk proposed by Knight (1921)has become classic and has been hardly contested.
In the case of risk, the outcome is unknown, but the probability distribution governing that outcome is known.
Uncertainty, on the other hand, is characterised by both an unknown outcome and an unknown probability di.


What Should Researchers do?

The aim of the present commentary is not to scold researchers from fields such as psychology for not using terminology and conventions used in economics.
We do, however, encourage researchers to properly distinguish between uncertainty and risk.
We believe that the majority of researchers are in fact already aware of this distinction, even though t.


Why does uncertainty arise?

Uncertainty arises because of ignorance or the absence of information in any situation.
Probability, risk, and randomness are concepts closely related to uncertainty that significantly impact the decision-making process.
In this chapter, we discuss the concept and..


Why is uncertainty important in a risk-based approach to decision-making?

Uncertainty explains the quality of knowledge we possess regarding the risk involved in the situation.
We try to reduce uncertainties, but a risk-based approach to decision making strives to recognise and meticulously treat the uncertainty in the decision-making process.


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