How much decision-making were the aboriginal elders involved in

  • How many Aboriginal elders are there in Australia?

    Among the 124,000 older Indigenous Australians (aged 50 and over) in 2016: 91% (113,300) identified as being of Aboriginal origin only. 6% (7,100) identified as being of Torres Strait Islander origin only. 3% (3,600) identified as being of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin (ABS 2018)..

  • How was the Aboriginal system of authority and leadership Organised?

    Aboriginal people had no chiefs or other centralized institutions of social or political control.
    In various measures, Aboriginal societies exhibited both hierarchical and egalitarian tendencies, but they were classless; an egalitarian ethos predominated, the subordinate status of women notwithstanding..

  • How were the Aboriginals impacted?

    European colonisation had a devastating impact on Aboriginal communities and cultures.
    Aboriginal people were subjected to a range of injustices, including mass killings or being displaced from their traditional lands and relocated on missions and reserves in the name of protection.Jun 28, 2022.

  • What is the role of Aboriginal elders?

    Elders transmit traditional knowledge, strengthen social cohesion, and help to develop positive attitudes such as reciprocity.
    Their actions favour disease prevention and health promotion, as including traditional approaches increases the acceptability of health and social services.Feb 27, 2020.

  • What is the role of elders in the Aboriginal community?

    Centred around being involved and providing support to the community, teaching and passing down knowledge, being respectful and sharing experiences, Eldership is vital if our communities are to flourish.
    The role of Elders is not simply to preserve cultural knowledge..

  • Between 11,000 and 14,000 Aboriginal people died, compared with only 399 to 440 colonisers.
    The tallies of the dead are not the only measure of what took place, according to Dr Bill Pascoe, a digital humanities specialist and key researcher on the project. “We are always using conservative estimates,” Pascoe said.
  • Traditionally, Aboriginal societies did not have kings or chiefs in the sense used by English-speaking people.
    However, elderly and senior initiated men were held in high esteem and physically, spiritually or intellectually superior men were also able to command significant respect.
Oct 17, 2017Prior to that leadership in Indigenous communities was not something determined by a popular vote - it was earned, learned and/or inherited from 

Are Aboriginal elders disadvantaged?

Aboriginal Elders in Australia are recognised as having an important role as community leaders and cultural knowledge holders.
However, the effects of colonisation and institutional racism mean Elders also experience significant social and economic disadvantage and poor health outcomes.


Are older Aboriginal people valued for their wisdom and life experiences?

In community contexts, older Aboriginal people and Elders are valued for their wisdom and life experiences, although these roles and relationships have been eroding (Busija et al., 2020).


Care Practice

This theme represented the status of care practice around aspects such as knowledge of care standards, access to care plans, care management and practice of task oriented care.
An absence of all-encompassing care practices were evident in the views of the carers and Aboriginal residents, and this made carers and facilities unable to fulfil the curr.


How can Aboriginal community-controlled aged care support Indigenous Elders?

Culturally responsive and accessible aged care services must be developed to meet the unique and often complex needs of a growing number of Indigenous elders.
The Aboriginal community-controlled sector is ideally positioned to provide tailored aged care and to promote connection between Indigenous elders and health and social services.


Lack of Resources and Funding

Respondents described the capacity of the aged care centres in relation to the availability of staff, resources and funding.
While the number of staff and lack of resources available were identified as factors in views of both Aboriginal residents and carers, the carers indicated that availability of funding is related to the quality of care provis.


Should Indigenous Elders be involved in research?

In such research processes and in the development and delivery of care, services, and interventions, Indigenous elders and representatives should be actively involved in sharing traditional knowledge recognized as best practices by Indigenous people (Nametau Innu 2010; Government of Canada 2013).


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