Thinking and decision making ib psychology erq

  • How do you write an ERQ in psychology IB?

    The structure of ERQ Psychology is simple- with the introduction, body, and conclusion.
    The introduction starts with a hook or anchor concept or idea which is relevant to the question.
    You are supposed to define and unpack all the relevant keywords and concepts pertinent to the topic..

  • Why is it important to study thinking and decision-making?

    Critical thinking has a wide range of real-world applications.
    It can help you to make better decisions, become more hireable, and generally better understand the world around you..

  • Models of thinking and decision-making that could be studied include: theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behaviour (concerned with the relationship between attitudes and behaviour when making choices) the adaptive decision-maker framework including emotions and goals in the decision process.
  • Reasoning and Decision Making. 1.
    A process that uses existing knowledge to reason or make decisions about new situations and information acquired during new experiences.
The IB say "Thinking involves using information and doing something with it ERQ: Evaluate research into thinking and decision-making. (22). Share this 

Exam Tips

If asked about “thinking and decision making” in an exam question, describing the model and then summarizing the above study should be enough.
However, if you have time available I would also recommend writing a couple of sentences suggesting that studies have shown (e.g.
Bechara et al.) that damage to the brain (e.g. vmPFC) is a factor that can af.


How do emotions influence decision-making?

There is an increasing understanding of how emotions may influence thinking and the decision-making process because the consequences of decisions result in the experiencing of emotions and many of our choices are guided by the experience of or anticipation of such emotions.


Key Study: Judgement Under Uncertainty

The following study is one example of the numerous tests Kahneman and Tversky devised to test people’s mental shortcuts and biases when making decisions.
In one task, they had 95 participants and they gave them the following scenario:.
1) A certain town is served by two hospitals.
In the larger hospital about 45 babies are born each day, and in the .


What is a decision process Mindset Theory?

theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behaviour (concerned with the relationship between attitudes and behaviour when making choices) the adaptive decision-maker framework including:

  1. emotions and goals in the decision process mindset theory arguing that thinking about one’s ability is related to decisions of investment in performance


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