Automated decision making tbs

  • How does automated decision making work?

    Automated decision-making is the process of making a decision by automated means without any human involvement.
    These decisions can be based on factual data, as well as on digitally created profiles or inferred data.
    Examples of this include: an online decision to award a loan; and..

  • Is automated decision making legal?

    Yes, individuals should not be subject to a decision that is based solely on automated processing (such as algorithms) and that is legally binding or which significantly affects them..

  • What are the automated decision-making tools?

    Automated decision-making technologies (ADMT) are software-coded digital tools that automate the translation of input data to output data, contributing to the function of automated decision-making systems.
    There are a wide range of technologies in use across ADM applications and systems..

  • What is an automated decision making tool?

    Automated decision-making technologies (ADMT) are software-coded digital tools that automate the translation of input data to output data, contributing to the function of automated decision-making systems.
    There are a wide range of technologies in use across ADM applications and systems..

  • What is an example of fully automated decision making?

    A factory worker's pay is linked to their productivity, which is monitored automatically.
    The decision about how much pay the worker receives for each shift they work is made automatically by referring to the data collected about their productivity.
    This is an example of solely automated decision making..

  • What is meant by automated decision making?

    Automated decision-making is the process of making a decision by automated means without any human involvement.
    These decisions can be based on factual data, as well as on digitally created profiles or inferred data.
    Examples of this include: an online decision to award a loan; and..

  • What is the automated decision-making process?

    What is automated decision-making? Automated decision-making is the process of making a decision by automated means without any human involvement.
    These decisions can be based on factual data, as well as on digitally created profiles or inferred data..

The objective of this directive is to ensure that automated decision systems are deployed in a manner that reduces risks to clients, federal institutions and 

Collect Information About Your Project

A broad range of information about an automation project is required to fully answer the questions in the risk and mitigation areas of the AIA.
Prior to starting the AIA, it is useful to have information about: 1. the administrative decision that the automated decision system will inform or make, the context in which the system will be used, and th.


Consult Your Atip Office

The institutional Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) office or other delegated authority for privacy should be consulted to ensure that the privacy impacts of automated decision systems using or processing personal information, or that otherwise have an impact on individuals’ privacy rights, are identified, assessed, and mitigated.


Engage with Legal Services

When completing an AIA, legal services must be consulted to identify and address legal risks arising from the development, procurement, or use of an automated decision system.
Consultations should begin at the concept stage of an automation project, prior to the development or procurement of a system.
The nature of legal risks significantly depends.


How do I publish a specification of the automated decision system?

Publish specifications of the automated decision system in a peer-reviewed journal.
Where access to the published review is restricted, ensure that a plain language summary of the findings is openly available.
Publish specifications of the automated decision system in a peer-reviewed journal.


How is automated decision-making organized in Canada?

This assessment is organized according to Government of Canada policy, ethical, and administrative law considerations applied to the context of automated decision-making.
It draws on Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s consultations with public institutions, academia, and civil society.


What are Automated Decision Systems?

Automated decision systems are computer systems that automate part or all of an administrative decision-making process.
These technologies have foundations in statistics and computer science, and can include:

  1. techniques such as :
  2. predictive analysis and machine learning

What is the Treasury Board directive on automated decision-making?

The Treasury Board Directive on Automated Decision-Making ("the Directive") is a mandatory policy instrument which applies to most federal government institutions, with the notable exception of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
It does not apply to other levels of government such as:

  1. provincial or municipal governments


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