Decision making journal article

  • Research decisions require an assessment of the expected potential value of future research before the actual results that will be reported in the future are known.
  • There are both advantages and disadvantages to involving groups in the decision making process.
    On the one hand, the advantages of group decision making include: greater sum total of knowledge, greater number of approaches, more alternatives, increased acceptance of a decision, and better comprehension of a problem.
The aim of the article is to analyze the determinants of decision-making process in organization. For this purpose, Authors conducted relevant literature 

Formation of Representations and Preference Assignment to Options

The representation plays an essential role in decision-making, allowing identifying the potential action paths that need to be assessed and detecting the external and internal states that influence these assessments (Rangel et al., 2008).
Evaluating and forming preferences (values) among the possible options would involve cognitive and affective ne.


What is the basis for decision-making?

This article defines the basis for decision-making:

  1. In research from Schoemaker & Russo
  2. decisionmaking is processed by which individuals
  3. groups
  4. organisations make decisions about future behavior
  5. depending on a range of purposes and available resources

Why should I use a decision-making model?

Using the decision-making model will ensure that focus is given to maintaining ethical standards in your work while considering potential implications of any number of decisions you might make.
The goal of the current work is to spark discussion within the I-O community about ethical decision making and education.


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