Decision making for health care

I.1. The Problem

Although patients are far more informed than they were even 20 or 30 years ago, some people express frustration and dissatisfaction with their care because they do not feel like they have adequate (if any) input into the decisions that clinicians are making about their health and their lives.
One element of this problem is that patients often do no.


What is decision-making in healthcare?

It promotes ways for healthcare professionals and people using services to work together to make decisions about treatment and care.
It includes ,recommendations on training, communicating risks, benefits and consequences, using decision aids, and how to embed shared decision making in organisational culture and practices.


What is shared decisionmaking?

Shared decisionmaking occurs when a health care provider and a patient work together to make a health care decision that is best for the patient.
The optimal decision takes into account evidence-based information about available options, the provider's knowledge and experience, and the patient's values and preferences.


What makes a good health care decision?

The optimal decision takes into account evidence-based information about available options, the provider's knowledge and experience, and the patient's values and preferences.
Both health care professionals and patients benefit from using shared decisionmaking.


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