Decision from or by

  • How do you use the word by?

    We use by + noun to describe how someone travels or communicates, or how things are processed: I'll send it by email; I can send it by post as well if you wish.
    Can I pay by credit card?.

  • What is the meaning of decide by?

    to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities: They have to decide by next Friday..

  • Which preposition is used with decide?

    The Correct Preposition is : DECIDE ON .
    If someone decides on something , one chooses it from two or more possibilities .
    For example , Michael decided on a professional career in Journalism , even though he had got offers for a job in the Government as well as in the Corporate ..

  • Now, three more verbs that you can use with the word decision are:

    arrive at a decision.come to a decision.reach a decision.
  • We use by meaning 'not later than' to refer to arrangements and deadlines: They said that the plumber would be here by Monday.
    The postman is always here by 11 am.
Apr 5, 2014However, 'of' is correct - in the meaning "specified as" or "which is": of prep. However ". . . a decision of" is usually followed by the 
Apr 5, 2014It is more common to say ". . . the decision to ", rather than ". . . the decision of ". However, 'of' is correct 
Apr 5, 2014You took the right decision of not coming back. Generally we find the preposition to is followed by 'decision' but if i use of and followed 
Decision from or by
Decision from or by
A decision-to-decision path, or DD-path, is a path of execution between two decisions.
More recent versions of the concept also include the decisions themselves in their own DD-paths.
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