Decision-making how to do it

  • How can I make my decision?

    Problem solving

  • How can I make my decision?

    Time managem

Great Decisions Address The Root Cause, Not Just The Symptoms.

You may be wondering what kind of information you should seek out from your team members or colleagues.
Often, when faced with a difficult problem, we focus on identifying the symptoms, not the core issue that caused the problem in the first place.
If you do this, the same problem is sure to reappear down the road.
Although you may need to urgently.


How can I make sure I make the right decision?

For every choice, big or small, there's no easy formula for making the right decision.
The best you can do is to approach it from as many perspectives as possible and then choose a course of action that seems reasonable and balanced at that time.
If you have a big decision to make, it can seem daunting.


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